Chapter 23

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Jake's POV

"Katelyn Ann- Lynn Tatum, you can't leave me, please don't leave me baby girl." I whispered in her ear as Collin got blood pumping into her body and shocking her heart once more before looking at me.

"What?" I asked " Why did you stop?"

"Jake, her heart can't take much more. If I keep continuing her then it's going to damage her heart even more. I'm not sure what else I can do besides get your hand out of her thigh, sew her up, and repair her leg the rest of the way. There isn't much I can do though."

"What do you mean? You have the ability to save her! Do it!" I screamed at my best friend.

He can't stop! I love her, I can't imagine life without her now. I don't even know her favorite color or her parents, her best friend, or what her pet peeves are. I could look into her mind, but I wanted her to tell me these things.

I looked at Collin, "Do something, I love her. If you don't than I will. "

He nodded his head as he shocked her heart once more. I watched as her body convulse before returning to being still once more. He was getting ready to shock her once more before I heard something.

"Wait!" I yelled.

"What?" Collin asked me as he topped to check her eyes and air passage.

"Her heart, it's-"

"What in the world, I have never heard a heart do this."

"What exactly is her heart doing?" I asked as I applied more pressure to her thigh.

"Repairing itself, by itself. I'm not shocking her heart anymore. Let's get more antibiotics in her and get your hand out so your claws can retract. When she wakes up she isn't going to want your hand still in her leg. " He said as he started more work on my girl.

"Sh-she's going to live?" I smiled, she is going to live!

"She'll wake up and take it from there, she is something that I have never seen." He replied as he put on medical gloves and got numbing medicine to put in her thigh.

"Me either. " I replied as I kissed her hand.

I watched as he started pulling my hand out little by little and starting fixing the inside of her leg. I grabbed a couple sterile towelettes and wiped my hand out and getting my hand to go back to normal. By then he was done with the interior of her thigh and already closing her thigh up with the precision of a surgeon. Collin is a life saver, literally, and her leg looked brand new with just a pink scar that he applied gel on that helped speed the process up. I went to the bathroom to grab a few things to help clean up the mess. I wanted to stay with her, but I knew she was in good hands.

"How does she look Collin?" I asked from the bathroom.

"Like she had a near death experience. Her heart is almost done healing up and once its done we'll have to give her a couple minutes to see if her heart starts by itself as well, she is lucky. "

"Yeah she was terrified. Thanks again man, I appreciate it ." I replied as I walked back into her bedroom.

"Again don't thank me until she is actually alive and breathing on her own." he retorted as he pointed to the miniature ventilator sitting next to her head.

"Yeah I know, but she would be long gone without you and your ability. " I said smiling at him.

" No problem, I do want to move her, so is there anyway that you can help me get her up on the bed? " he asked as he finished wrapping gauze around her thigh and pushed something into her iv.

I'm In Love with My Student (teacher/student relationship)Where stories live. Discover now