Chapter 10

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Jake's POV

I listened to her voice-mail she left me & just shook my head back & forth , not even sure to exactly think. I did notice though her voice shaky, tired , & a little slurred. I figured it was just because she was tired with it being a Monday but something seemed off. I couldn't put my finger on it but I was slightly concerned.

I decided to not call her back , to just wait. So I decided that Call Of Duty was a good thing to get my mind caught up into. I ended up getting bored of the game only fifteen minutes in so I threw the remote & shut off the game before heading down to the kitchen where a sub was awaiting me to eat it.

I finished off my last bite quickly & went to go answer the door. The doorbell hadn't of even rang, but I heard somebody's car pull into my driveway & door close, along with the car being locked.

I opened the door up & saw to my surprise Kate with her dilated pupils & amazing scent with a touch of.. what was that? I looked at her & she tried to smile at me but I knew it was strained.

"Hi, Jake. May I come in?"

I opened the door & moved to the side as she walked into my house. I shut it & turned around to see her facing me. She looked like she was about to fall over.

"Want to go sit in the living room?"

"Sure, but Jake we really do need to talk." She touched my arm, sending sparks through my body.

I nodded & led her to the living room where my fireplace was lit & she sat down in the love-seat. I chose to sit next to so we could talk.

"Jake, listen. I know I snapped on you & I am honestly so sorry for even doing that to you. But listen I did that because you got in my privacy & I admit that I could've handled that better, but truth is I am under a lot of stress & today was one of those days. You shouldn't of kissed me at my job, we could've gotten caught & I wouldn't of been able to ever see you again once I got fired from there. Please understand I've been on edge since day one that you walked into my classroom. This is so unbuisness-like but I have feelings for you that I have never had for ANYBODY. Please Jake look at me." She said as she broke down into tears right in front of me.

I looked at her & picked her up so she was on my lap with my arms around her. I felt bad for not calling her back , but I believe this was better so I can explain to her , but most importantly show her how much I care for her. I mentally kicked myself for kissing her at school but at that moment she looked so beautiful & was second guessing our relationship.

I let her cry until she started hiccuping. I leaned back & removed her hair from her face before she wiped her eyes & looked at me dead on. The look in her eyes were terror & her mind told me she was scared how this was all going to turn out to be. I tipped her head up towards me & kissed her. I heard her moan & just made me shiver from her touch. I left go of her face that I still had in between my hands.

"Kate, I am sorry. I shouldn't have done that at school, but I can't help myself when you wear things like that. You just bring that out in me. I shouldn't have been rude to you all day & I am sorry for reading your thoughts. I just, your mind is so interesting & I love how you think. I won't read your mind unless you give me permission. Okay?"

She nodded & leaned into me for another kiss before she tried getting off of me , but I didn't want her to get off quite yet so I picked her up & laid her down on the love-seat with me hovering over her.

"Believe it or not Kate Tatum I do love you, you bring the  best out of me & I will do anything for you & this relationship."

She smiled through more tears & I kissed her again repeatedly before she started laughing & telling me to stop when I got to her neck. I smiled & kissed her one more time before I got up & helped her up to a sitting position.

"So?" She asked me.

"What?" I asked.

"Are we good Jake?"

"We are more than good, we are amazing."

"Good, I have a confession."

"Oh , that is?" I asked as I was playing with her ponytail.

"I-I was well.."

"You were what?"

"Well.. I give you permission to look into my thoughts."

So I did just that, I saw it in images from when I left to when she showed up at my door, I felt everything as if I was her for just a split second. I was a little shocked though. I would've never pictured her as the type of girl to drink.

"So you drank then you drove here?"

She looked at me , clearly disappointed in herself for doing so.

"Yeah, I just wanted to talk this out with you. I didn't want to wait until we saw each other at school."

"Mmm that is understandable, I just wish you didn't put yourself into danger like that."

"I won't do it again, if you promise me something tomorrow."

"What would that be?"

"Well for tonight too."

"Okay it depends, but I'm sure I will do it."

"Will you consider staying home from school tomorrow with me & just have an us day?"

"Yeah that sounds nice, but what is the tonight one?"

"Come stay the night with me for a couple days?"

"That is more than one night, but yes I would love you as long as you are okay with this one-hundred percent."

"I am , I just want to enjoy this as much as we can, but you have to still do your paper & makeup work for your other classes."

"All done already. I am always ahead of the classes. All of them are mostly coincidental."

"Okay good, well in that case go pack a bag so we can get back to my house cause I am exhausted."

"All right, but I am driving your car."

"Sounds good, just as long as you're not a crazy driver."

"Hey I am a cautious driver."

"Uh , huh I watched you pull into the parking lot at school a couple times. Cautious isn't something you are behind the wheel."

"Well with you in the car I will be cautious because I have precious cargo in the car."

"Aww, well thanks."

I kissed her & ran upstairs to go grab clothes for the next couple of days & then we drove back to her house.

I helped her into the house& left her to get ready for bed as I got into my shorts. I walked upstairs with a cup of tea for her & handed it to her. She politely thanked me & gave me a kiss on the cheek.

We sat & talked about our lives more in detail than the other night & I really got to know about her friend Haley. I already knew that Kate was an amazing woman , but the more I got to know her I just fell in love with her even more, which I thought couldn't be possible.

Once her tea was gone I set it on the side table & helped tuck her in & then I shut off her bedroom light. I turned around to walk out of the door to one of the guest bedrooms.

"Where are you going?"

"One of the guest bedrooms."

"You can stay in here if you would like."

"I wouldn't be intruding would I?"

"No, besides I trust you to not try anything on me, besides kiss me to death." She said honestly , but with humor in her voice.

I shook my head & climbed into bed with her, snuggling into by spooning her.

I fell asleep to her scent in my nose & her light snore the only sound in the room. Before I actually fell asleep I kissed the side of her cheek & said goodnight to her.

SO? What do you all think??!

Let me know! xoxo

-Kat <3

I'm In Love with My Student (teacher/student relationship)Where stories live. Discover now