Chapter 9

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I have to drop this huge bombshell on ya'll but I may not be on here for a few days, just a ton of stress is on me & I honestly feel like I'm going to explode from the weight. Long story short my dad's legs from surgery two weeks ago isn't healing up like it should've already & my Aunt is going to health issues SO most of my intentions will be on them both , along with my schooling. I will however try to upload weekly or a couple days a week so you guys don't feel like you're being punished.

So without farther a do here is Chapter 9 of I'n In Love with My Student

Kate's POV

The only thing I really wanted to do right now was actually roll my eyes at Jake, he just didn't get the hint that what he was doing was plain RUDE! I mentally was picturing me slapping him in the head with my hand, but that'd be abuse & I know I would feel bad for even doing such a thing to anybody.

I huffed & walked over into the kitchen to go get another plate to give to Jake so he could eat with me. I decided to not let him go thirsty so I grabbed him a clear crystal glass in the cupboard next to the plates. I turned around to see Jake chewing something in his mouth with a smirk on his face & laughter in his eyes.

I walked over to him & looked down on my plate to see half of my chicken nuggets GONE! What the hell, I thought to myself. This boy is on my nerves so terribly right now. I looked up at Jake to see him flinch away from me. I was about to yell at him when he put his hand up & covered my mouth up so all he heard was mumbles.

"Before you say anything Ms. Tatum I can assure you that I can hear you loud & clear, mm, by the way great nuggets." He said with a chuckle at the end.

He honestly thought this was funny & on top of all of this he can hear what I am thinking, rude. He has officially invaded my privacy, more than once today I might add. Why is he acting this way, I ask myself. I know he can hear me so I start screaming names in my head at him, not very nice ones but I mean who could blame me, he's reading my mind without my consent.

"Kate, those are ugly words that are coming from your pretty mouth-"

I set the plate & cup that I still had in my hands down on the table before removing his gigantic hand from my mouth & glared at him.

"Listen dumb-"

"Ah, Ah , Ah Kate, watch your mouth."

"Listen you dick, get out of my house. Today you've really pissed me off so get out of here."

He was astonished that I even spoke to him in that way, I was too but I wasn't going to give that away so I decided to put a blank wall up around my thoughts that I hoped he wouldn't be able to break through. He collected himself fairly quickly & looking sympathetic.

"Kate, what have I done?"

Was he really asking me this? Ugh,  I thought he could read my mind?

"You're REALLY asking me that?! Jake first off you kissed me in MY classroom where I work & you get an education, we could've gotten caught to just point out. Then during class I could feel you staring at me, yes I can feel that. You used your 'magical ability' to make me feel weak & you READ my THOUGHTS . On top you  came over & ate my plate of food that I just made for MYSELF. So you can understand why I am extremely ticked off at you. If you can't get the hint & see that I really just want alone time then go ahead & read my thoughts, because you aren't going to see the happy & good side of Kate Tatum right now."

He looked at me & really studied me as I got ahold of my anger. Once my breathing was even & I felt semi myself he reached up & touched my face before leaning in & kissing my forehead. I instantly closed my eyes & relaxed. He withdrew & it took me a little bit before I was able to find the ability to open them. I saw him staring at me concernedly, but when I exhaled he seemed to let off this relaxed aura.

I'm In Love with My Student (teacher/student relationship)Where stories live. Discover now