Chapter 19

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Hey guys! Long time no type. I am back to writing chapters when I can ,even though I'm not in school anymore. Work though has been keeping me pretty busy and tired! Sorry for the long wait ya'll :)


Chapter 19

Kate's POV

The drive back home was very quiet. I for one wasn't happy with Jake about how he took care of those guys at the waterfall. I knew he knew, which meant he knew how upsetting it was for me to realize that is how he usually fixes situations. It made me think about how it was a bad idea for me to be with him. I just could imagine if him and I got a really big fight and I somehow got physical with him. He probably wouldn't even hesitate to take care of me how he takes care of everything else.

I shudder at that thought and dismiss the conversation in my head and look over at Jake. He looks right at ease with himself, even though I can feel the tension in the air between us. I made a thought about how it isn't right to be in a car with so much tension that you can literally cut it with a knife.

I hear Jake snicker as in agreement and I come to realization that he is listening to my thoughts. I internally try to put a wall around my thoughts and I can see that he is actually pretty surprised that all of a sudden he turns his head towards me.

"What are you thinking about?"

"What like you don't know?" I throw at him with attitude in my words.

"What is your deal Kate? We were having a nice enjoyable time in Travelers Rest and now you are ruining it with your attitude."

"What is MY deal?! You were the one who went up to those guys and punched one in the face because you heard their thoughts. You were the one to ruin it. I hate violence and I-" I stop mid-sentence because I wasn't going to be the one who apologized first when I didn't do anything.

"Okay first of all you didn't hear what that one was saying so you can't get mad at me for sticking up for you. I was trying to protect you from them. I never am usually like this but since I have met you I am different. I can't stand when another guy is staring at you and especially when you are up their teaching the class and I hear one of the guys' thoughts about how he is undressing you with his eyes."

"Violence still isn't the answer Jake, I purposefully stay away from violence because I don't want it in my life. Besides what do you expect I am teaching teenagers that have raging hormones, it's normal because they are growing up and maturing adults. I was the same but I contained it. I don't care what they think because you can't do anything about somebody's thoughts."

"See that is where you are wrong, you can do something about somebody's thought process, for instance if I didn't listen to your thoughts then you and I wouldn't be here together, alone, might I remind you and if you think about it then you do realize that something could've happened to us if I didn't do what I did back there?" He asked as he glanced my way before turning his attention back to the road ahead.

"You wouldn't even know if you would stop reading people's thoughts without their permission. Just so you know Jake you still could've walked away without doing anything, you could've just walked away. But instead you didn't and then now as we speak you are listening in on my thoughts."

"So is this what this all is about, me being in your head listening in on your thoughts? He asks me increasing his speed.

"You know what maybe it is, maybe I don't like you knowing every single thought that goes through my head every second I'm with you..and it just isn't all about this, it's also about how you use violence to 'solve' an issue." I retort back to him.

I hear him sigh and not comment back, I had a feeling that he finally saw some sort of light in all of this and see that I liked my privacy.

A half hour later we were close to my house and I was thinking to myself how I had so much to do when I got back and I didn't know were Jake and I were at now in our relationship but I mentally groaned as I kept thinking how things were going to end if we didn't get all of this sorted out because I was about to go crazy from all the tension.

"Are we going to talk about this Kate?"

"Oh thank god, I am so glad you brought it up because I was going insane thinking about it myself." I exhaled with relief and I think he could tell.

"So? What are we going to do?", he asks me with his eyebrow raised.

"We need to work on each others boundaries and PRIVACY." I enunciate the last word to get him to see that him looking into my thoughts without my permission is rude and I don't like it.

"Yes I understand that, but sometimes I can't help myself to not look into that pretty mind of yours." He says with a smile playing on his lips.

"Okay, well only if I give you permission to look into my mind."

"I'll try, no promises-"

"Jake if you want this to work-"

"I was kidding Kate. You need a couple drinks to loosen up."

"Yeah well I cant relax and unwind like I want to because we both have school tomorrow." I retort to him.

He shrugs back at me as he pulls into my driveway. I quickly get out and grab the bags and some of the snacks left over while Jake grabs the keys and tries to take the bags from me before I got to the door.

"Jake I have it all if you would please just grab the door for me before I drop everything."

"I should at least be carrying the bags." I hear him mumble as he walks ahead of me to unlock the front door.

I shake my head in amusement that its killing him to not carry bags in, I was about to make a smart remark when I saw him freeze right in front of me.

"Jake, Jake what's wrong?"

I'm In Love with My Student (teacher/student relationship)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant