Chapter 7

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Kate's POV

I woke up the next morning with the feeling of happiness. I was still slightly uncomfortable with what would happen to me if Jake & I got caught but something about him just sucked me in. I guessed that he was a vampire or something just immortal , but they both were fairly a tie. The talk we had last night just brought us closer. I felt like this was the guy I was supposed to be with, simply because I felt safe.

Since my Freshmen year in College I haven't felt right with any guy, or just this comfortable. I don't like guys behind or to be alone in a room with one. Jake was different though, he sent out this vibe of comfort  & I clearly couldn't pass that up.

After about half and hour I decided to get out of bed since it was a Sunday I didn't have anywhere to go or do anything. Yeah it seems funny that I teach religion but I don't go to church. I just figured I could bring church to my house & to live how I want. I am not one of those that preach what I do, I try to better others & in a way that really works for me.

I went downstairs to make a pot of coffee for myself since all I usually did on a Sunday was go over the week's lesson plans & write out bits & pieces of a story I wrote on the side as a hobby. For me writing is simply a way to relax & let your imagination flow. I grabbed my cup of coffee that I just made for myself & ate a slice of toast before going back upstairs to wash my face, brush my teeth, & get into my black running shorts & a orange tank top. I figured since it's a lazy day my clothing should match. I brushed through my hair & put in a simple pony tail before grabbing my phone & coffee mug that said 'Don't talk to me until I drink this gone'. I got this from my best friend , Haley, that lives in California for my birthday. We used to live together before we followed our dreams. 

We still talk on the phone & Skype all the time, which I really thought was a good idea since it was a Sunday & we don't usually get to talk much. So I walked down to where I keep my laptop & hook it up to the internet. I opened up Skype & clicked on Haley's name. I waited until she popped up before planting a smile on my face.

"Hey Hale!"

"Hey Kate! What's the occasion?"

"It's a Sunday, in other words just a lazy day before the week starts up again! Besides I figured we could catch up!"

I watched her ponder to herself before looking at me & nodding her head. I looked at her blue eyes shining & evaluating me. So I took the chance to scrutinize her myself. She still had her dark brown hair that framed her face so perfectly but was constantly pulled back into a bun, like it was now, & her face was round but slim, as she has been working out because she wasn't small enough to wear a two piece even though she has always been a size seven, which mentally made me roll my eyes , before seeing her smirk at me, all knowing.

"You met somebody Kate, who is he? How old is he? How long have you been talking? What does he look like? Oh & does he have a cute brother?" She rushed out with one big breath.

Let me just say Haley is my best friend so her & I have this way of knowing when something happens, good or bad. After all we've known each other since we were in diapers! I smiled of course because each question brought a mental image of Jake in my head, even though this whole situation was completely messed up.

"Hello , earth to Kate? Or should I call you Katelyn?"

That brought me back to our conversation simply because I hated being called by my name I preferred being called Kate & I am pretty sure my face was now stern , but failed miserably because I bursted out laughing.

"You will not call me that or should I bring out you're horrible nicknames & pictures of high school?"

"You wouldn't dare.." She said squinting into the camera straight at me.

I'm In Love with My Student (teacher/student relationship)Where stories live. Discover now