Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Jake's POV

I was so close to doing what I have been destined to do. I just couldn't do it yet and I needed to see how she felt about it. Yeah it's wrong in so many ways but I honestly didn't care. I had watched her get out of her car an she saw me staring at her, but I didn't look away. She looked so beautiful in her black dress and I honestly only wanted to see her with only her red stilettos on. Okay totally need to stop thinking like that.

When I did walk into the classroom and I saw her writing on the board. She probably didn't even realize she was silently singing to herself. Her voice just drew me in. I honestly wanted to have my hands around her waist and hold her for hours.

WHAT THE HELL?! Why am I thinking about that now? Now I possibly know how girls feel. All the emotions came to me at once when I walked into the classroom yesterday. I had no idea why, since I've gone to the same school with the same group of kids. Nobody stood out to me, that was until now. I never in my life have seen such beauty and my eyes were on here every second. Her voice was even more beautiful though. I was drawn by her voice. It took everything I had to stay seated and to not jump over everybody to get to her.
When one of my guy best friends raised his hand to ask a question I wanted to tear his throat out for even talking to her. I wanted her all to myself. It was almost like I was possessed. The way I thought and wanted to act so badly was majorly possessive.

I didn't know whether to confront her tomorrow to confirm what all I was feeling. I couldn't do it in front of the whole class or a whole bunch of people , just in case I couldn't control myself. I didn't know what got into me , besides me being super attracted and so protective of her. I needed to make sure it was her though. I had to see for myself. Tomorrow I will see whether or not it was her.


I paced back and forth the next morning to wait for the exact time I had to leave for school. The time seemed to tick slowly by as I kept looking up at the clock every few seconds.

I decided to just go for a small run before school. I was then glad for once that I didn't sweat, no matter how much I ran or tried to sweat even just a little.

I walked out of my room and down the two stories of stairs to the front door. I grabbed my bag and jacket, even though it was nice outside. I locked my door and shut it. I ran to my backyard towards the woods and ran. I bursted through a mile or so before I brought my phone out to check the time;6:45. I had fifteen minutes to get to school and just hang out with everybody. I turned back around and ran the mile back and towards my car.

I drove a mustang,this was a nice car, it drives nice, sounded nice, and felt nice when you were behind the wheel of it and going 150mph. I started her up and sped out of my driveway. The drive only took me six minutes to get to school. It would've taken me less time if I lived in town, but I lived in the outskirts of town. I liked my privacy and being alone without hearing anything but nature outside my house.

I parked into my normal spot and sat on the hood of my car and watched everybody driving up ad getting out of their car. I noticed when she pulled up though because I could smell her. Smell her? I had known her for not even two days and I knew her smell like a blink if an eye.

I watched as she gracefully parked and got out of her car. She looked at me with a confused look on her face. She collected herself and got out of her car and grabbed a few bags out if her car before looking at me again , but this time smiling. That shocked me and took my emotions , no my emotions because I don't have any emotions I had instincts, it was my instincts.

I attempted to try and smile at her but I was too concentrated on how to control myself. I did look away though because I knew if I looked at her then I wouldn't be able to hold back until I got control of myself. I didn't want to scare her away or to frighten her. I needed someway to explain.



When I walked into her class for third hour I looked up to see her leaning on her desk and smiling while talking to a couple of students. I have to admit she was the most liked teacher in our school for a short period of time or ever.

I got to my seat and sat down , just waiting for the bell to ring and class to start. My seat was in the back , so I could attempt to keep myself seated. The bell rang and I waited to hear her voice again, even though I was in here as soon as I could get in here. I still couldn't believe I almost told her about what was happening to me in my head and my body and what I was. I had to make up a question because I chickened out.

I stopped thinking about yesterday and just zoned into on her words and just listened to every syllable she spoke. It was like I was dreaming something beautiful, it was too good to be true.

I'm In Love with My Student (teacher/student relationship)Where stories live. Discover now