Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Jake's POV

'Who are them'


That is all I could concentrate on. I knew my face went paler by the second because I don't exactly know that myself. I know their scent but not what they look like. They were that good. At one point I thought I figured out what they looked like, but they were onto me and changed their identity before I could get the information I needed to end them.

See that is the thing they change their identity once they know I am on to them and I can't do anything but try to dig deeper into it all, the more I dig into it the more my head aches which is funny because my kind don't get headaches or sick, unless of course we don't take care of ourselves biologically.

Them, they have some hook on me. When I get that achy feeling in my head I know I am close but I cant continue my search on them . It's weird, like a defense mechanism they have on me. I didn't want to tell Kate that though. She is already scared enough for the both of us. I don't dare tell her anything that would break her. Its selfish on some point , but my first instinct is to protect what is mine and as of a week-has it been that short in time..yes it is- she is the most important person in my life.

So I went with the closest thing of the truth, I really hated not being one hundred percent honest with her, but I had no choice. I am going to protect her with everything I have. It was tearing everything in my being to lie to her .

"They, they are powerful. They killed my parents when I was to young to remember, I do remember some things , I remember their scent and what I have been told from my kind. I am not sure what they look like baby-girl but I will promise that this time I will end them." I told Kate as I looked into her tearful eyes.

"Th-this time? Have there been other times?" Kate asked me with a certain hesitation in her voice.

If I would've had a real honest to God heart , it would've stopped here. I knew the answer to this and I knew I needed to tell her the truth about this part. It just really killed me a little inside to have to tell her, let alone have her experience this. I needed her prepared for whatever was about to happen.

"Yes Kate, but they won't live once I get them this time. I promise to tell you as much as you want and need to know. Just please promise me that you will not go off by yourself and to understand when I want us to do certain things. Okay? I love you Katelyn Tatum."

Her eyes went wide and I thought I scared her even more, causing me to give myself a mental beating and give myself a quick mental talk on breaking the news to her a little gently, but before I could start cussing myself out she squeezed my hand and brought me back to the present.

"What is it babygirl?"

"Jake, how do you know my birth name?" She asked me with alarm in her eyes.

"We have something big happening and you are asking me how I know your birth name?" I started laughing. I don't know why I did but I was and the tears wouldn't stop coming. It could've been because of the stress I was now under, the fact that the past is coming into my perfect future, I was emotionally tired, or because she just asked me how I know her actual name. Whatever the reason I was laugh-crying.

"What is so funny Jake Renning? I am serious. Nobody around here really knows my birth name. How do you know?" Kate again asks me , this time with more alarm in her eyes. I could hear her mentally freaking out, why was she freaking out about her name. It is just a name, I was trying to search to see why she was freaking out about it when I ran smack into a wall. She knew I was searching again.

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