Chapter 1

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*Rae's P.O.V*

I woke up to the sunlight shining through the window. Brett, Ethan, Grayson, and I share a hotel room. We're roommates this entire tour. It's been great! There are so many locations for this tour! We've already hit up New York City, Atlanta, Pittsburgh, and now we are in Orlando. We pretty much have one week at each location except for New York when we got two, Orlando with two, and L.A. will be two. It's the first day in Orlando, so we'll be here for a little while.

The boys were still sleeping. I went to the bathroom and put on some nike shorts, T-shirt, and my Nike shoes. I decided to walk around Orlando for a bit. I grabbed some headphones, my room key, and phone.

I walked for about five minutes listening to music until I got a call from Macy.


"Rae Rae!"


"What's up girl!? How's Florida?"

I looked up into the bright blue sky, "Sunny."

"So I somehow managed to push back our summer scrimmage against the Tigers for when your tour comes to L.A. It's scheduled on one of your free days."

"You're amazing girl!"

"I know! How's the tour?"

"Great! I have so many people I want you to meet!"

"You're still saving me thirteen tickets for one of the L.A. dates right?"


"Yeah, the team is coming to one of them! We have to!"

"Jeez, I thought I was just saving you the one, but yeah I can talk to Bart, if you want front row then you're going to have to pay some money."

"That's what a team car wash fundraiser is for!" She said jokingly.

I laughed at her, "I miss your weirdness!"

"And I miss your sanity! I think my parents are ready to send me to a hospital soon!"

"Well I would say at least Matt is there to keep you normal, but that would be a total lie, so I'm just going to leave you at that."

"Speaking of Matt he says hi, I was just with him last night."

"Oh I see, you were with him last night," I said laughing.

"Oh we just watched a movie! And you can't say shit! You're hanging with like twenty boys this summer and one of them is your boyfriend!"

I laughed. My phone made a sound saying I have another call. "I got to go Macy, I got another call coming in! Talk to you later! Bye!"

"Bye!" She said. I answered the other one. "Hello?"

"Hey Rae!" Sam said with a raspy voice.

"Whoa! The real Sam Pottorff is up before noon!?" I said kind of freaking out.

"Very funny! Where are you, I'm bored."

"I'm almost back to the hotel, want to meet me in the lobby and get breakfast?"

"Yeah! I'll wake up the twins and Brett too so they can eat with us."

"Okay see you in like five minutes."

"Peace out Girl Scout!" He said hanging up the phone.


"Bye guys love you!" I said into the microphone stepping off the stage. Ugh I'm tired. We have five more of these just in Orlando. All I want to do right now is sleep, but I know the boys will want to do something.

"Can we order a pizza?" I asked the main group. They all agreed and Bart ordered what we wanted. I pulled out my phone and got on Twitter. I scrolled through favoriting fans' tweets in my feed, it stopped when one tweet caught my eye.

'@NashGrier: ¡Orlando for two weeks!'

Great. Just great. Wait! I'm in Orlando! What are the odds I'm even in the same area as him? Probably next to nothing. I'll be fine, I'll be too busy with all of our tour stuff anyway. Right?

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