Chapter 3

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*Rae's P.O.V*

I watched him storm away from us. Is he really here? And I actually do care about who he came with. Damn did I miss those eyes though. That one moment when we looked at each other, everything felt okay.

"C'mon Rae, lets go finish the game," Brett said taking my hand and directing me the opposite way from Nash, back toward our room.

Who did he come with? They weren't with him, are they in the lobby? They have to be. "I want food!" I shouted.

"Rae we just had pizza," Ethan said laughing.

"Y-yeah, but," think of something quick Rae, "I'm on my period! I'm always hungry!"

All of their faces went blank. I love being a woman. I ran out of the room with no one even trying to stop me.

I ran down the hall and to the elevator. I pressed the down button. The button didn't light up so I started pressing it over and over again. It continuously didn't light up, but the elevator did ding. I waited for the doors to open.

It finally did. "Rae?"

"Cam!" I said jumping into his arms for a hug.

He let go of me, I said hey to the Jacks, and we started walking toward their room. "Are you guys here for the tour?" He asked.

"Yeah for two weeks!"

"Really!? We're vacationing here for two weeks! Gonna meet up with some fans," Gilinsky said.

We mad it to their door. Nash is in there. "H-Hey Cam? Can I talk to you in private out here?"

He handed Johnson his bag as the two went in there. "What's up?"

"Are you mad at me for doing this?" I asked.

"At first I was more disappointed rather than mad, but Mom told me that Bart has changed, and he's paying you your share that you deserve from Magcon. You also look like you're having a great time."

I smiled in relief. "What about Nash?"

"Yeah," he paused, "he's mad."

My head dropped to the ground. "He knows that I wasn't just going to dump Brett and fall back into his arms right?"

"Yeah, he knows that. I guess just a part of him was hoping that you'd go right back to him."

"Listen I want to be friends with him again, but I don't know how without making it awkward."

Cam thought for a minute, then his head shot up. "Do you guys have a show tomorrow!?"

"No, not until Thursday."

"Okay, let's all hang out tomorrow! You bring Sam and the twins and I'll bring the Jacks and Nash."

"What about Brett?" I asked.

His eyes widened a little, "Didn't you say that he was busy tomorrow night?"

"Actually he is! He's having this huge meeting with his dad and other Magcon administrators."

"Good!" I glared at him.

"I'm going to bed," I said turning heading for my room, "Goodnight bro."

"Goodnight sis."


I woke up before the other boys. Normal. I'm hungry, I should probably eat breakfast. I grabbed my phone off its charger and headed for the elevator. I pressed the button and within seconds the doors opened and I stepped in. I waited for it to shut and go down.

The doors started to close they were almost shut when I heard, "Hold the elevator!"

I quickly pressed the door open button, and the boy who yelled it ran into the elevator. "Thanks I didn't want to take-" he looked over at me, "oh hey Rae."

"You're welcome Nash."

"So we're all hanging out today?"


"But Brett's not able to come?"

"Yep." I saw a small smile form on his face but quickly went away.

The elevator opened and we both stepped out. We started walking toward the breakfast area. We were about halfway there when he stepped out in front of me and turned around. "Let's have breakfast together to get rid of all the awkwardness so we don't have to deal with it today."

I smiled, "Yeah, that'd be good for us."

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