Chapter 39

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"What are you thinking of doing?" Mom asked. Nash and Cameron are having a bro day, so the house is empty of them.

"I don't know. The plan has been to go to UCLA for softball. That's always been the plan, but of course, here comes a curve ball ready to mess up the count. However, doing a movie would be amazing."

"I'm not going to tell you what to do because you're at the age where you need to start making decisions on your own. However, I will support you no matter what you choose to do. If that means UCLA then I will be wearing a bruins shirt. If it's the movie, then I will be at your first showing in some pretty dress."

"Thanks mom."

"Besides honey, there could be a way you do both."

"Mom, that is way too much for me to handle. School, softball, and a movie.
There is no possible way I could do it."

"Here's something I have learned over the years of raising you," she says, "nothing is impossible to Rae Dallas. She makes everything possible."

I smiled, "Thanks Mom. Now I just need to see what Nash says."

"What's Nash going to say?" someone said behind me.

I turned to see Cameron walk in with a granola bar in one hand and a bottled water in the other. Does he ever stop eating? "Cam, I got offered a lead role in this movie," I said as he took a drink, "and it's going to be directed by Terrance Jones." Aaaaand spit take. He can be so dramatic sometimes.

"I'll leave you two to talk," Mom said hurrying out.

"That's amazing little sis! I can't wait to see it!" he says coming over and sitting next to me, "What's it going to be about?"

"Cameron, I haven't taken the role. He just called me."

"You gave Terrance Jones a 'maybe'?" he said giving me an almost disgusted face.

"Um yes. Cameron I have to think about my future here. The plan has always been UCLA. UCLA will give me an education and a secured career."

"Rae, you already have a secured career. You are already famous with a pretty good income. What are you so worried about? Yeah, yeah, UCLA has always been your dream, but this is kind of bigger than that. Getting a lead role in a movie directed by Terrance Jones secures your life. You will constantly be getting acting roles, you will become more famous, you will have a very large income, and you'll be doing what you love. Acting."

"I loved softball first Cam." I say standing up, "And you of all people should not be pushing me to ditch college for some movie. Don't you remember all of the work we did when I was younger to become the softball player I am today? Rain or shine you always had me working on softball. I can't believe you'd prefer me to do some movie over the one thing I have been working at my entire life." I said storming out.

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