Chapter 41

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*Rae's P.O.V*

"Wow this place is pretty neat," Nash said as we finished up the tour of the campus. We were heading toward the athletic center. 

"Yeah, I'd be spending most of my time here. I mean with practice and we do bonding in the center cause its an easy meeting place. I guess they also do study tables here. That's the great thing about this team, they actually care about their education." I said walking by the gym and seeing some kind of volleyball kids camp happening.

"That's good, I'm going to need to be the bread winner of the family because, ya know, I'm not making any money for our family," Nash said jokingly as we walked up to Coach Kelly. She was on the phone and quickly said goodbye when she saw me coming up to her.

"Hey Rae!" she said hugging me, "nice to see you again. Who is this?"

I turned toward Nash, "This is Nash Grier. He's my boyfriend. He is also famous for the Vine app my brother and I use." She met my brother when I came here last year. 

"Oh you're one of those crazy yet creative boys?" she said jokingly and shaking his hand, "Nice to meet you, Nash."

"Sadly yes, its a blessing and a curse to be as creative as us Vine kids," Nash said smiling, "Nice to meet you too.

"It's great to see you without a cast on."

We all laughed, "Yeah, last year was a little rough."

"Well hopefully that doesn't happen here. Today we have the majority of the team here for a little summer practice. All they do is just play a game. Would you like to join them?"

"Oh, I don't have any of my gear or clothes."

"We can cover that," she said smiling, leading me toward the locker room.

I turned to Nash, "Are you okay with that? You can probably watch."

"Of course he can watch! Figure out which seat he would prefer for when the season starts up in the spring."

"Thanks, but I have a meeting in thirty minutes in downtown LA. I'll go to that then meet you back here after. Sound good?" he asked. I nodded and smiled. He shook Coach Kelly's hand, "It was really nice to meet you." He walked off waving goodbye. 

"Have you decided on a major yet?" she asked walking into the locker room.

"Yeah actually. I know I've been saying linguistics or nursing, but I've decided on athletic training. I will learn a lot about the injuries I have gotten and will learn how to prevent kids from getting them. I want to help like when people would help me. It's a good job and will look great for when I want to become a coach so I know all about the sport both athletically and physically."

"That is exactly why I majored in athletic training when I played. You're able to understand and heal your players a bit more than other coaches."

"It's also a safe career for when I want to create my future."

She chuckled, "I don't think you have to be worried so much about your future. You already make quite the income."

I smiled, "True, but I don't want to rely on the fact that I am internet famous for the long run. Yeah, I do have quite the income which will stay steady for a while. I am not touching it except to pay for college bills, which thanks to you isn't much. I'm saving, but I still want to live a slightly normal life where I have a job to go to every day."

"I like your thinking," she said smiling leading me toward a locker full of Bruin equipment.

"Here are cleats, socks, pants, spandex, and a practice jersey. Everything is in the sizes you told us you wear." I pulled out the white jersey and flipped it over. Across the back said 'Dallas' and a number three in blue outlined in the gold.

"Wow," I said looking at everything else. The pants in UCLA blue with a gold stipe down the sides. White socks and white cleats.

"You like it?" she asked.

"Oh yeah," I said smiling.

"Put it on and we'll head over to the field. All of the gear you need is already over there. We will meet the rest of the team and see the other coaches again. I'll be just out those doors when you're ready," she said walking out.

"Thank you," I said, then though to myself, 'I could get used to this'.

Silence (Sequel to Collide - Nash Grier)Where stories live. Discover now