Chapter 36

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"And now we will be given a speech by the Valedictorian herself, Rae Dallas," Principle Dean said motioning toward me.

As I walked up to the podium there was an applause. I looked out to the crowd smiling and then I made eye contact with Nash. I took in a breathe as the applause died down.

"Thank you. Now I know you're all going to expect me to talk about how amazing my life has been and how fortunate I am, but I decided not to. I want to talk about. The phrase thank you. What a phrase that is. It's one of the first things we learn as we enter school. How to used the words please and thank you. As we got older we stopped saying them because we thought we were too cool to have to say such simple words like that. However, these past few months, it seems like all we've been doing is saying please. Maybe not verbally saying it, but trust me we were implying it. These past few months, we students having been writing scholarship essays begging and pleading for us to be the lucky chosen ones to receive the award and free money, so there's less of a dent coming out of our bank accounts. On nearly every essay there's the question: why do you want this scholarship? And our teen self answer is, please...I'm broke. However, we write some elaborate paragraph about how hard we work and explain our financial situation in a more mature way. Now moving onto the thank you portion of my speech. Our please to thank you ratio is very high to very little. We haven't been saying thank you because the only word we can say right now is please. But the please time is over. Now it's time to say thank you. Thank you teachers for dealing with our sassy remarks and laziness in class. We owe you all for always pushing the due dates back a few days, or giving everyone perfect participation points on homework assignments, and even for wasting an entire class period for ignoring the lesson plan and talking about the multiple outfits Lady Gaga has worn in public. Thank you coaches and directors for always making us push ourselves even when we thought we met our maximum capacity. Thank you siblings for dealing with us all these years, don't worry we're headed off to college now, you don't have to see us anymore. Thank you parents for raising us to become the young adults we are today, we owe you everything. Lastly, thank you classmates. We've been in it since the very start together, and I couldn't be happier to be leaving it with all of you by my side. I love you all, and it's about time to say goodbye to this place, so embrace these last breaths, and take in these last moments. Thank you and go tornadoes!"

I smiled then walked off the stage and back to my seat.


"May I be the first to say congratulations to the graduated class of Chino High School of 2015!" Principle Dean said as we all jumped out of our seats and threw our caps up in the air.


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