Chapter 22

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The nerf gun fight started six hours ago. Team TD is totally winning. Team MC squared, is close behind us. That's Macy, Matt, Carter, and Cameron's team name, I think it's the best team name out of all of us, it's really clever. Team WamBam is way behind. Like they haven't even reached double digits with their score yet. They keep going for the obvious shot, so we all keep dodging it and getting away.

"Can we get some food?" Shawn asked.

"Can we get pizza?" Nash asked.

"Can we get breadsticks with it?" Taylor asked

"Can we stop asking questions and call in the order?" I asked.


We are now making shields out of the pizza boxes. The other two teams are ganging up on us now. All they want to do is hit Shawn and I since we haven't been hit yet. For some reason, the hotel staff is on board with us having this giant Nerf Gun fight. It's funny, if they find bullets on the ground, they'll pick it up. The scary thing about that is if we need amo, we go to the front desk. That area is a trap. It's kind of like the cornucopia in The Hunger Games, except, we don't actually die.

"Okay, how many bullets do we have?" I asked.

"Fourteen," Shawn said.

"Eleven," Nash said.

"Two," Taylor said. We all looked at Taylor with weird faces. "What? I like to shoot stuff."

"Well I have seven, but there's a twenty-four pack in the room, and the front desk has over a hundred just sitting there calling our names."

"Let's split up then," Shawn suggested.

"No, we need to stick together if we want to win," Nash said flipping his brown bushy hair. He needs a hair cut. I've thought about just cutting out a chunk at night so then he'd have to cut the rest of it to even everything out. I'm an awful girlfriend.

"Okay, let's go to the room first so we have a little more defense before we get to the lobby." Everyone nodded and we were off. We started down the hallway of the fourth floor. My phone dinged.

Boss Man Bart: I need to speak to you in the office. Soon.

Rae Dallas: Sure! I'll come after we get some amo!

Boss Man Bart: The boys can't come with.

Rae Dallas: Bart!? I'm going to die if they don't come with!

Boss Man Bart: Fine. They stay out in the hallway though.

Rae Dallas: Whatever you say boss!

"Who's that?" Nash asked.

"It was Bart, he just wants to speak to me," I said and he gave me a worried look. "Probably not that big of a deal," I said to hopefully cheer him up. What if it is something bad? His messages looked kind of serious.

*Nash's P.O.V*

What the hell is this guy going to do? He's got to be ticked about Rae leaving, he already grounded us and she flew to a totally different state. "Nash!" Rae said, "Snap back to reality."

I smiled at her and we started running for the room. We took the stairs up to our floor. We stood at the door. "I'll check for it to be clear first," Taylor said slowly opening the door and peaking his head out. He brought his head back in, "We're good just three kids are in the hallway, but no one from the game."

Taylor went first, then Shawn, after that Rae, but she froze when she looked down the hallway. She rushes back into the stairway and sat against the wall. I knelt down next to her and felt her hand. "What's wrong babe?"

"Y-you're not gonna believe who's out there," she said with a worried look.


"Whitney and Brett," she paused, "and Logan's with them."

Anger filled me, "Stay here, I'm going to play it cool, get the bullets and come back with the others."

She nodded as I got up and walked through the door. They were laughing, I got closer to them. They were standing next to our room door. "Well look who it is," Logan said making eye contact with me.

"Leave her alone Logan," I said walking up to him.

"What? I came to hang with my friends for a few days."

"Since when did you and Brett become friends?" I asked.

"Since the day she left me for you," Brett said jumping into this conversation."

"Sorry that she didn't love either of you," I said slightly laughing.

"I wouldn't be surprised if she's cheating on you right now with one of those other stupid Viners," Logan said.

"She's hiding from the other teams so she doesn't get shot."

"I always knew you guys were nerds," Logan said laughing, "you have Nerf gun fights to pass the time."

"And we also have millions of followers on every social media app out there," I said.

"Well Dad wants to talk to her," Brett said, "He's not happy that she had a nervous break down and fled to your house."

"Is that why there were release papers on his desk?" Whitney asked with an evil smile.

"What!?" I shouted. They all laughed.

"You can talk with her about it after they have their meeting."

"Bart wouldn't dare getting rid of Rae. She's the reason why Magcon is popular again."

"She was only a decoy to get you idiots back. It was actually my idea. Smart right?" Brett said laughing.

"You do realize the first time he lost us affected Magcon greatly, that it almost died. If he loses us again, it will look like a murder scene off of Criminal Minds."

"You do realize that you have contracts?" Brett asked. I rolled my eyes.

"We got out of them once, we can do it again."

"It's not going to be so easy this time Grier," Brett said getting close to me.

"What are you gonna do about it?" I asked.

"Let's just see how this all plays out."

"Whatever," I said pulling a room key out of my pocket and sliding it through the door slot. It turned green and I slightly opened it.

"You might want to make sure Rae stays hidden well, Bart sent us for her," Logan said as they started walking toward the stair case. Shit.

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