Chapter 7

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I woke up before the boys, like always, and went down to get breakfast. I saw Nash sitting at one of the tables talking on the phone. We made eye contact, he smiled and waved at me. When he did that I just got really excited and happy.

I grabbed some cereal and walked over and sat across from him. "Okay, bye Aaron, see you soon. You said you're coming with Carter right?" He asked in the phone, "Perfect. See ya later bro."

Wait, Carter and Aaron are coming? That will be 8/9 with an additional Hayes. Damn, they are getting back together.

"Good morning," I said taking a bite of my cereal.

"Good morning, did you sleep well last night?" He asked.

"I kept waking up for absolutely no reason. I just kept feeling like I was missing something. You know?"

"Yeah, I do know," he said into my eyes.

*Nash's P.O.V*

"Yeah, I do know." What she just said was my life ever since she left me. I miss her so much. I can't bare to watch her with any other guy. I want her to be mine and mine forever. I wake up every night hoping that this is all a nightmare and I'll see her sleeping next to me. I have to get her back.

"Hey Rae, we should hang out tomorrow, get some coffee before your show?" I asked. Please don't say no. Please don't say no.

There was a sparkle in her eye, and a cute little smile. "Yeah, that'd be nice."

"I need to tell you something tomorrow." She nodded.

"Good morning babe," Brett said hugging her from behind, kissing her cheek. I rolled my eyes. Rae caught me, but he wasn't looking.

"Hey babe," she said smiling at him.

"What's up Nash?" He said sitting down at our table.

"Just eating food, because you know, it's food." He laughed and Rae made a little smile at my kind of joke.

"So how was the movie last night? I never got to ask anyone," Brett said.

Rae's and my eyes widened. Did she not tell him? I looked straight at her. "Um it was good! Almost equally funny as the first," Rae said covering it.

"What was your favorite part?" He asked.

"The German crew and their first song!" I shouted.

"How did it end?" He asked, "I probably won't see it anyway."

We both looked at each other again. "Well I can't give any spoilers," Rae said.

"Oh it's fine, I don't care," he said.

"How do you think it ends?" I asked.

"I bet they lose," he said sitting back in his seat.

"Well you totally guessed it right!" I said. Why didn't she tell him about last night?

*Rae's P.O.V*

So I haven't exactly told Brett about what happened at the movies. I just feel like he'll freak out and punch the closest thing to him. I just feel like it's not needed to be shared with many people.

"What about you? How was your meeting?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Boring! We talked about how well sales are growing within Magcon because of you joining," he said smiling, "So don't be surprised if you get a bonus sometime soon."

"Aw well that's good! But remember, I did this for my fans, not the money," I said looking to Nash. It's sad because I did this to get away from him. I needed a new start. Yes a part of it was for the fans, but mainly to get away and break free for a little bit. Nash knew I was lying.

Brett's phone dinged. He read a message, "I gotta go to do other Magcon things, see you later," he said standing up and kissing the top of my head. I nodded as he left.

We sat there in silence for a minute. "So you didn't tell him?"

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