Chapter 21

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"We've been here for five hours! When are they going to get here!?" I said sitting impatiently.

"I've been here for thirty minutes, and you've been here for fifteen, but we have only been sitting here for five minutes waiting for their flight," Macy said correcting me.

"I'm just glad that we found you before the show," Matt said slouching in his seat.

"Where are they!?" I said getting up, pacing back and forth. A bell dinged,  people started walking into the airport. "This better be them!" I said looking through the crowd of people.

"Look! There they are!" Matt said.

I turned around hoping to see them. "Where!?"

"Right here," Nash's voice said while wrapping his arms around me. I turned around still in his arms, then hugged him, with my head nestled into his chest.

"I'm so sorry," I said.

"What's there to be sorry for?" he ask pulling back smiling down to me.


We were all in the hotel room. We are brainstorming YouTube and Vine ideas. "How about we do a what are thooooose!?" Carter asked.

"I thought that we wanted to come up with something new?" Aaron asked.

"This used to be so much easier when we weren't famous," Matt said and everybody nodded in agreement.

"Oh come on guys! Some of your best vines were done during Magcon!"

"How would you know, you never followed us because of Cameron," Johnson said.

"Just because I never followed you guys didn't mean that I ignored your videos. I would always search Cameron's name before I went to bed to see what he did that day. He either made vines with all of you, or revined all of your vines that he was in. I always saw my brother every night before I went to bed and at least one of you guys each night."

"Well I followed you so I always saw you," Cameron said wrapping his arm around me.

"Back to my point, where'd you guys get that inspiration from?" I asked.

"When we were just messing around, I guess," Nash said shrugging his shoulders.

"We need to do a challenge video," I said, "It will help you guys get loose and back to normal to make some amazing vines for the fans."


The crew has made a total of three challenge videos. We did it by rooms, so everybody was doing a challenge video with their roommates. It worked out pretty well, there's a solid list of fifty ideas written down in a notebook. We were all gathered in one of the dining rooms on the main floor.

"Rae, you're a genius!" Carter exclaimed and everyone nodded in agreement.

"Hey, these are your ideas," I said to them.

"Yeah, but we wouldn't have gotten them if it wasn't for you," Gilinsky said.

"Well, I'm happy to help," I said smiling.

"I just wish we could get that golden Vine between everyone," Cam said.

"Nerf gun fight!" Nash shouted.

"What?" we all asked intrigued.

"Each room is a team and we can just shoot each other on all of our vines. If you get shot, you're dead until the team who shot you gets away, or if your drug away by a team member. We'll upload them all once we're done, but one at a time to keep the fans checking in on us."

"Okay, this sounds awesome," Cam said.

"Yeah, I'm in," Hayes said.

"I think I could say for all of us, we're in," I said and everybody nodded.

"May the odds be ever in your favor!" Aaron shouted.

So we made our quick intro to the video. Shawn, Nash, Taylor, and I are Team Tie Dye. Coincidentally we were all wearing tie dye so why not name us tie dye. But we call ourselves Team TD because it sounds cooler that way. Everybody ran off to their home base. Rule was that it couldn't be our rooms, it had to be an area in the hotel. We chose the entire stairway. We are staying in the middle of it, so we can have an equal shot for people trying to go up or down against us.

"This is going to be so much fun," Taylor said smiling.

"Okay, we need to get ahead early in the game," I said.

"What do you got in plan Colonial Rae?" Nash asked them saluted me. I laughed and rolled my eyes at him in the playful way.

"Well Team WamBam's base is their room," I said. That's Hayes, Aaron, and the Jacks team name. "We could have somebody be the bait to get them out of their room. They get one shot, we'll get four. Then we'll just drag away whoever the bait is."

"I like it, but who's gonna be bait?" Nash asked.

"I will," Taylor said, "I'm loud enough and obnoxious, they'll hear me from the room."

"This is the best idea we've ever had for a Vine since our first ones," Nash said.

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