old past 1

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Isha pov......
I was in my room...
Isha: ahh that pervert Jungkook!!
Tanny: wolf wolf.
Isha:oh sorry i forgot to give you food come i will give you first let's me wear my shirt...

Junsgkook: let's go hyung now..
Taehyung: wait i will find my bag first.
Jungkook: ahh go fast we are getting late.
Taehyung:yeah just 5 minutes.......

Isha came down and again didn't noticed taht Jungkook was sitting there.
Isha:(holding yeontan) Tanny is the cutest dog Tanny is the cutest dog Tanny is the cutest dog Tanny is the cutest dog that i have ever seen.(singing while holding Tanny)
Isha:yah!! Don't bite me i will not give you food then.
Isha:sit here like a good dog. I will bring food for you..
Isha:here eat slowly tannu.(caressing his head)
Isha:(sit on the floor with head rest on hand) you know you are the cutest dog i have ever see.

Jungkook pov......
Wait!! She again didn't noticed me?
Is she blind. BTW she is cute while playing with Tanny. I didn't knew she has a soft spot for someone.

Isha pov.......
Yeontan: wolf wolf wolf. (Don't lie tae telled me you said Jungkook is the cutest)
Isha: what but tae lied to you, you are the cutest Jungkook is not cute he is rude, arrogant, mean, brat he is not cute.(said cutely)
Yeontan: wolf wolf wolf wolf wolf wolf. (Don't lie i know you like Jungkook he is the cutest person i have ever seen)
Isha:yah!! I am also cute didn't you see me? And no i don't like Jungkook but you said something right he is cute but little bit he is monster when he is angry just a bunny.
Yeontan: wolf wolf.(yeah yeah now let me eat)
Isha:(stands up) eat all of it or i will not give you your treat. Wait!! Ahh no your treat are finished i have to buy it..
Mom:yah what happened?(shout from kitchen)
Isha:do you want something i am going out to pet shop.
Mom:yeah there are something please buy.

Isha:okay i am going.
Mom:isha wait!!
Isha:what happened (went inside the kitchen)
Mom: from which you are going?
Isha:by my car i guess?
Mom: Don't you know about your car.
Mom:oh actually Taehyung take you car in the afternoon and when he was coming he crashed it and a small scratch on it.
Isha:WHAT!! i will kill him when he will come back from GYM!!.
Mom:he is in his room he didn't left till now.
Isha: what!! I will kill him to- wait. That's means Jungkook is also here right.
Mom:yeah he will he sitting on the sofa.
Isha:shit no no please say it's not true.
Isha:(peek from kitchen)
Jungkook:(while crossing his hands)
Isha:(awkward laugh) hehe Jungkook.
Jungkook:i am arrogant, mean, rude huh?
Isha: ahh! Its just.
Jungkook:(raise his eyebrows) just.
Isha: ahh! I will deal with you later but now.. KIM FRIKING TAEHYUNG!!!!!

Taehyung: who the hell made my beautiful name this
Taehyung: yah!! I am older than you.
Taehyung: which keys?
Isha:my car keys!
Taehyung:w-why would i know your car keys?
Isha:you taked it in the afternoon.
Taehyung:how do you know?
Isha:mom telled now my keys.
Taehyung: it's in my room.
Isha:come let's go.
Isha: you are going the drop me at the grocery store.
Tae:yah! I am not going to drop you.
Isha:(take out her phone)
Taehyung: what are you doing?
Isha: calling yoongi oppa.
Taehyung:(eyes widened) wait come we will drop you.
Isha: that's great (smile)
Jungkook: but i didn't agree I don't want to take a pig in my car.
Isha:(take out her phone again)
Taehyung: Jungkook bro do you want to see me dead? Please just for one time.

In car.......
Jungkook: bro how can you live with her everyday if i were you i would have runned by now i can't even stay with her for 20 minutes.
Taehyung:yeah i know have a dumb sister is very big problem.
Jungkook: yeah i know you pain.
Taehyung:BTW do you know pig also like to eat so much.
Jungkook: yeah i know i always see isha having food.
Taehyung & Jungkook:(laughing and giving high five)
Isha: yeah yeah laugh as much as you want.
Isha:(get a call from IU) IU?
Isha: hello IU?, WHAT!! ARE YOU CRAZY!, Where are you?, Tell first, i m coming.
Jungkook: what happened to IU isha?
Before saying anything isha open the door and ran out.
Taehyung: let's follow her.
Jungkook:hmm(worried as IU call isha and isha was tensed)

I Front of isha house....
Isha: IU!!
Iu: isha why did you came?
Isha:are you crazy.
Jungkook: what happened IU are you fine?
Isha:tell me where you get injured?
Iu: it's not big.
Isha:i said show!!
Jungkook: what happen-
Isha:just be quiet coconut head.
Iu:just be quiet Jungkook.
Isha:show me!!
Iu: it just a small cut.
Isha: are you friking crazy IU your whole hand is bleeding!!
Iu: it just a small cut. I said to bought a bandage.
Isha: just be quiet.

In side her house living room........
Isha sat on the sofa with iu.
Isha: how did this happened?
Iu: i was coming to your house to tell you something but when i was crossing the road a car in fast speed was coming but i was saved by a child.
Isha: are you crazy iu you want me to kill you today!! a small kid save you from a car. Can't you take care of yourself just for sometime..(serious)
Isha: if the cut was big i should have killed you!!
Iu: isha i am sorry to make you worry.
Isha: Just be quiet i don't want to talk to you now.(deadly serious)
Iu: please isha tal-
Isha: didn't i said something?(glare)
Isha:(start treating iu's wound) and you two go and bring hot water and medicine.
Jungkook: me.
Isha: yes can't you hear?
After treating iu's wound......
Mom: ishu what happened you came early? Taehyung what happened?
Taehyung: actually mom whe-
Isha: didn't i tell you three to be quiet.(serious)
Mom: something is off i think.
Isha: IU do you know the car number?
Iu:hmm it was black mercedes and the number was 9255.
Isha:hmm tae give me my laptop please.
Taehyung: here, what are you trying to do?
Isha: trying to see who is the owner of the car.
Jungkook: you can do that?
Isha: hmm hobi oppa told me how to do that.

Isha started finding who is the owner...
Isha: the owner is choi wang.
Jungkook: who is choi wang?
Isha: i don't know let's find. BTW Jungkook IU will be staying at my house today.
Jungkook: wae?
Isha: wae? Do you have any problem?(raise one eyebrow)
Isha: wait choi wang is the 3 top Ceo in korea.
Jungkook: what! But why he was driving like this.
Isha: no i don't think he was driving.
Jungkook: what do you mean?
Isha: wait!! IU give me your phone.
Isha was checking iu's phone when a message popped on iu's phone.
??: Hello IU the friend of isha. As i know you must be hurt by a fast car right. Yes, it was me and everyone will get hurt who are close to isha so i don't have any problem with you but with isha. So sorry for that.
Isha:( take out her phone) message popped.
??: Hello isha i think you got to know about your friend getting hurt right yes i hurted her don't get mad but this is what you get when you mess with me and everyone will get hurt who are close to you from now on till your birthday everyone who is close to you will get hurt and you will regret for messing with me. BTW Bye baby girl see you soon.

Isha:(close her eyes and press her lips)
Taehyung: what happened isha?
Isha: huh? Umm nothing you were going somewhere right you both should go now.
Taehyung: isha do you think i am stupid tell what happened.(serious)
Isha: it's was all planned (look down)
Jungkook: what do you mean?
Isha: the accident from which IU survived was planned.
Taehyung: what!! By who?

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