An odd experience I had on Amino

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Yep, it's exactly what the title says. This all happened back when we first got Bear because I had just joined another community on Amino. It was a community for mainly dog owners and one day this user just messages me this seemingly normal message. I thought it would go okay but, I still wanted to be safe so I just messaged back. It was going normal for a bit and then I saw all these heart emojis and the heart-eyes emojis and I'm thinking it isn't normal. The user in question had to have been male. I just had that feeling. He just kinda tried to ask about my dogs and where they licked me hoping he'd get some lewd response. Now, keep in mind I only let my dogs lick the typical places a dog would on any human. I'm not a zoophile because that's just wierd. But I have nothing against the furry community. I just don't tolerate zoophiles. Then, this dude has the audacity to ask me for photos. I don't share photos of my face online. If my face is in a photo I plan to put online, I blur it out or cover it before I post for safety reasons. I also do not take nude selfies because I do not want pictures like that on my device. I told him no and explained why. He said I should just forget about my past and move on. Dude, the trauma I went through is a very sensitive topic to bring up and moving on and letting go isn't as easy as you think. I still haven't fully processed everything and you tell me to just forget it even happened so you can get off looking at pictures of a naked 17 year old? No, get the flip out of my messages and go screw a woman your own age! If you have the guts to message a minor like that, you can do it to an adult and get called out for it like a man! I didn't say this to him exactly but, I really wanted to. I think I took screenshots I never sent to any curators or leaders but, his account was banned or deleted not lonhg after. I'm guessing he got caught trying to hit up some minors on Amino like how those guys did under the fake name "Hannah Alexander" last year. That might've also been one of their first attempts and I could've caught them all but, I never sent in the screenshots. Oof, bro... But I'm alright after that. It never lasted long and I never trusted him.

Edit: I also remember calling him out. I did eventually snap because telling a sexual abuse victim/survivor to forget the trauma and move on just so you can use them for your own pleasure is actually very hurtful to them. It is especially true for children who are told this or blamed for the trauma. I told him to stop living some stupid male fantasy and stop sexualising kids. It's psychologically damaging and hurts their self-esteem to all who suffer.

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