More Reasons Why I Love Huskies (Or Just Bear)

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I made something else like this before. I wanna add to that list because I just thought of more reasons why huskies are the best doggos.

1. They are capable of giving the best hugs. Not all huskies may do this but, I know for sure mine does. I call them Bear Hugs because his name is Bear and he gives good hugs.

2. Boopable snoots! It doesn't matter what color it is! Pink, black, brown, striped, etc. The snoot is boopable and a husky may even boop you back.

3. Eyes! Huskies have beautiful eyes! Brown, blue, amber, green, or mixed, their eyes are amazing! Also, huskies can have small portions of blue in brown or amber eyes. This is called Parti-eyes and they look gorgeous! Bear actually has this condition himself in his left eye mostly. It's just a small sliver of blue and you can kinda see a small bit of blue under the brown in his right eye which makes it look almost green.

4. Their expressions. These dogs can make a variety of expressions just with their faces. Some can be funny. If you take a photo of a husky at the right moment, you might catch a hilarious face.

Those are all the new reasons why huskies are great. I'm out!

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