Caught Myself There. Don't try to finish the sentence-

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I forgot I had this screenshot for a few days. I took it because my mind wanted to know how bad the rest of you are. For context, I was rewriting the second chapter and I managed to stop what I was doing because I was about to misspell "don't" with an "m" and my brain just randomly went "Dominate. We need more headcanons for Uni." I sat there thinking of all the ways someone would take that out of context and make it spicy for a minute before taking this screenshot. I just told myself "Keep it pure. Remember, you're writing this for all ages." That didn't stop my mind from still taking it out of context for less than a minute. In short, I hate how my brain works after trauma and I wish it would just be normal for 5 minutes while I write a serious scene involving an angry unicorn gremlin.

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