Another Husky

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So, there's this husky that I think lives on our street. I've seen it twice while I was out walking Bear at the crack of dawn and it's walked or followed us home both times. The first time we ran into it, it had a blue collar and today it didn't. I did see what looked like a collar on the ground near where we ran into it today so idk if it fell off or if the dog got out of it. Both this husky and Bear have kinda made friends a little and this dog has come up and licked my face because that's what friendly dogs do. I tried to get it to come inside with us so I could go find it's collar and call the shelter but, it took off and walked right past our place. I was cool with it since we would've had to deal with twice as much howling and probably a lot more screaming from the dogs. Also, Sofia would've hated me for bringing another monster into her home. If I see the dog again, I'm gonna have to have someone with me so I can give Bear to them while I call the shelter and help get the other husky off the streets.

What I wanna know from you guys is how I should take care of the dog until we can get it to it's owner or the shelter. Do you think I should let it into our home and drive Sofia crazy with another beast? Or do I just bring some food and treats with me every time I go out with Bear and try to feed it? I don't want it to just roam freely around until it gets hit by a car and I definitely think it should be living happily in a home. I don't care where as long as it isn't just left out in a yard to escape while the owner is away or even mistreated. These are both common mistakes people make when owning a husky and I don't wanna be the one to tell whoever owns this dog the truth unless I know it's for the dog's well-being.

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