Part 2 :ch1 : Live a little !

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Sucker for pain

"It's over Camille I can't keep dating you if your not going to give it up man" I stood embarrassed and teary eyed in front of my friends and family at my house as my boyfriend now ex chad broke up with me on my birthday still I wiped my face and looked him dead in the eyes "then leave because I'm not like the whores your used to im not going to have sex with you just because you want me to so leave " he stood there surprised but none the less laughed and started walking out  "oh yea happy birthday " and with that he walked out while most my family looked upset while all the rest seemed to enjoy the show . I kept my face dead of emotions "party over every one go home" I walked off and up to my room as I heard my parents and older brother telling people to leave and thanking them for coming . I laid in my bed and finally let the tears spill over asking god what did I do to deserve this . Letting my mind wander and my breathing evening out I let sleep take over my brain as I desperately needed it .

I tried to ignore the ringing of my phone as I already knew who it was . I picked up my phone and the screen reads "The best bitch ever" of course it's her calling at 7 am on a Saturday I reluctantly answered my phone "yes angel" "well good morning my beautiful Bestfriend now I know yesterday was rough on you sooooo I'm taking out today and treating you like the princess you are " "I appreciate it babes but I just want to stay in bed today" "I knew you would say that and I'm not going for it , your ass has 15 minutes to get up and look good because I'm on my way " with that she hung up I groaned loudly and got up and started getting dressed I pulled out a simple outfit a black truckfit crop top and some bleach dyed blue shorts with my all white converse I applied light make up going for a natural look and did my hair in a ponytail once I was done I heard a honk followed by loud music that just so happen to be our Bestfriend anthem "Go Friend by One take jay" boomed from outside her base rattling my house I ran downstairs and said good bye to my mom and dad and ran outside "hey bitch let's go ! the mall is calling and my money is burning a hole through my pocket plus it's summer time the niggas is out!!!! " I shook my head laughing at her and jumped in the car . About 4 hours later after seeing two movies, hitting all the stores we liked ,getting food she finally set me free and dropped me off back at home . "Oh I'm picking you up at 9 tonight we're going to a club be sexy love you byeeee" with that she sped off . I walked into the house to see nobody home I made my way up to my room picked out what I'll wear tonight I decided on (This)

After hours of getting my self together it was 7:30 Once I was done doing my hair Angel called me "hello?" "Hello sexy are you dressed?" "Yes I am I'm assuming your early and outside waiting on me ?" "You know me so we'll babes come on let's go I'...

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After hours of getting my self together it was 7:30 Once I was done doing my hair Angel called me "hello?" "Hello sexy are you dressed?" "Yes I am I'm assuming your early and outside waiting on me ?" "You know me so we'll babes come on let's go I'm ready to party" I laughed and hung up and made my way downstairs "hey sis have fun tonight let loose alright?" My brother said to me I just nodded and hugged him and continue my way out the door saying bye to my mom and dad in the process once I made it to angels car she had this evil smirk on her face "omg what did you do?" "Oh nothing only got us on the list of the most expensively , exclusively, filled with sexy people of a club "! "Your talking about that new club that just opened up? Shit what's it called uhhh oh!!! X-Rated desires " "yea girl! I heard the vip room is where it's at all the freaky kinky nasty shit goes down in there and we are on the list " I shook my head not wanting to know how she managed that one but I was honestly excited to see what the night had in store for me. As we arrived the atmosphere changed and I started getting excited and nervous . All I kept thinking about is if I'm going to find a master or not and if I do what will he be like and how will he treat me . "Girl come on this place is full of sexy niggas" angel giggled then jumped out the car I got out after her and walked up to the bouncer with her "hi , we're on the list for angel " "oh yes go head beautiful and happy birthday Camille " I blushed hard "thank you" we walked in and it was live in here all the way in the back it was a stripper area , to the left it was the bar and that bitch was STOCKED with all the liquor you could imagine, to the right it was the different sections that you could pay extra for your group to hang out and smoke in ,in the middle is the dj and the dance floor ,  then it's the red spiral staircase with arm guards . "There babes that red staircase is where we going hold on tight girl" she grabbed my hand and we awkwardly danced towards the stairs . The guards stopped us . "Names" "Angel and Camille " "Aah yes welcome to x-rated and happy birthday Camille "  "what's your pain tolerance Camille "? "Umm it's very high I can endure pain for up to 6 hours straight no breaks " "beautiful " he pinned color pins on us both of ours red and I got a extra pin stating it was my birthday we went to the bar up there and started the party

-1 hour later-

"Angel omg " "what hun?" "He's here" "who babes?" I couldn't even form words I had locked eyes with chad and he some girl wrapped around him I knew it was his new toy for the time being but I didn't expect to see him here . "Camille, well isn't this a surprise. Only a day later and your out and about I expected you to be at home weeping over me ." He laughed and so did his bimbo. "I'm sorry chad. But honestly your nothing to miss " I grabbed my drink and grabbed angels hand and we walked to another set of stairs and went up them. "I can't believe you bossed on him like that ! You go girl!! " I couldn't help but laugh I even surprised myself bc it honestly did hurt seeing him with another girl but I pushed it aside and told myself I was going to have fun tonight . I looked at angle "shots?" "Fuck yes shots !! Who are you and what have you done with my Bestfriend " ! We laughed and found a little group to hang around with most of them already paired up in bdsm relationships. "So Camille would you mind if I asked if you have a dom or a master or a daddy I'm not sure what your kink is " "absolutely I'm honestly into everything I can handle pain , I have a little space , and I'm fine with being a sub or a slave sub and no I don't have anyone to tame this beast" "I have a friend more so a brother who doesn't have a sub but In my opinion desperately needs one" I giggled at  and followed her eyes first I seen her dom / husband chris then my eyes landed on this man this beautiful built man "oh my god" Chris and this mysterious man walked over and Chris spoke first "Everyone this is my favorite cousin of mines Jack , Jack you've met my wife keils, this is her friend Angel and Angels Bestfriend Camille and today happens to be Camille's birthday " he smirked Omg he smirked "nice to meet you ladies and nice seeing you again keils and happy birthday Camille can I buy you a drink?" "Y-yes sir " "mmm well trained. Chris are you aware if she is calimed?" Chris looked at me " Camille are you claimed ? Do you belong to someone ?" "No Chris - er I mean uh sir I'm sorry I don't know what I'm supposed to call you out of respect for your relationship " "Chris is fine , well jack there you have it she is not claimed " " I see very well , come Camille let me you get that drink " I nodded my head and took his hand and followed him to the bar where he ordered a round of shots for every one else then order me and him a drink and we walked to a private area to talk . "So Camille what are you into" "well sir I'm a little , and a sub sir" "do you have a certain age when your in your little space ?" "No sir I am just very child like . I suck a pacifier to sleep sometimes I have my fair share of stuffies,I have a sippy cup it's a lot honestly I don't go into that space often because it maintains so much ." "I see Camille have you been a sub before?" "Yes and no " " please elaborate " all I keep thinking about is him telling me what to do lord he fine . "Uh my ex trained me to endore pain for long periods but we never actually had sex he's only done oral stuff on me and used vibrators " he nodded his head thinking "I want you to be my sub . I'll let you think about that you can contact me in the morning and we'll meet and discuss everything " "yes sir " "oh yeah you've reached your limit of the drinks tonight you need to rest " I just nodded my head and started to notice I'm very sleepy I felt jack pick me up and say something about he's taking me home to rest I can't remember next thing I know I'm sleep thinking of this man

Hope you guys enough this little introduction 😌.

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