Chapter 4 : My First Time to The Market & The Shocking Truth!

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Chapter 4 : My First Time to The Market & The Shocking Truth!

A/N : They went to the market and Ren was surprised! *Boom*


"Ren are you awake? Come now, rise and shine."

Malik-san knocked the door as he called out to me. I was surprised that I almost fell to the floor. I looked around dazedly at my surrounding, my head was a little hazy because I suddenly woke up in an unfamiliar room.

"Ah, right. This is not my house."

I murmured as I recalled what happened yesterday. I was transported to Alsar and met Malik-san, yeah.

"Wait, I'm awake now! Wait a minute!"

I walked to the door to greet Malik-san.

"It's okay, no need to rush."

As I thought, I really was in another world right now. At first I thought maybe if I went to sleep, I would wake up and everything would go back to normal.

Ugh. Thinking about my current situation made my head hurts.

Well, first thing first. I better pulled myself together. Time to start another day in Alsar!

"Good morning, I'm sorry I slept in. I'm going to wash my face first."

I saw Malik-san sitting on the sofa. He handed me a bundle of clothes.

"Yesterday when Ren was sleeping, I just realized I can use [Small] magic on my old clothes to fit your body. Sorry I didn't realize it sooner."

Ah that was right, yesterday Malik-san said he didnn't have clothes in my size.

"Thank you very much! I didn't know magic can be used in such convenient way."

"Shrinking clothes using [Small] magic is easy. [Big] magic to enlarge clothes is harder. Because if we want to increase the size of clothes, that means we have to produce more clothes from nothing, right? [Small] magic only decrease the existing things, but [Big] magic can produce something out of nothing. Well, a proper magician can use [Big] magic easily."

I guess magic was not that easy to use despite being convenient.

"I see. Well, once again thank you for the clothes. I'm going to wash my face now."

I held the bundle Malik-san gave me and headed to the sink. I washed my face and when I was done, I spread the bundle of clothes on top of the cupboard.

I had one long sleeved white shirt, a black vest, a long dark brown pants with suspender attached to it.

"Wow, it fits me better than I thought and so comfortable too. It's also easy to move, not restricting at all."

The clothes was simple in design but when I put it on, I looked amazingly good. The size fit me perfectly too. Malik-san really had a good sense of fashion.

Back in Japan, Golden Week was almost over so it should be March in Japan right now. Since both Alsar and Earth had the same rotation, I guess it should be spring season right now? Either way the clothes suits the season so it was fine.

I walked back to the living room to show the clothes to Malik-san.

"Malik-san, does the clothes suits me?" I showed the clothes to Malik-san.

"Wow, you look good! Now we only need shoes for you. In the meantime, you can use this sandal. When we get to the market, let's visit the shoemaker and get shoes in your size."

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