Chapter 93: The Night Before Summoning

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Chapter 93: The Night Before Summoning


"I'm back..."

"Oh, Ren! You've returned!"


It had been five days since we left Laserna. Our return trip was smooth and uneventful. We were able to reach Pedrel this morning. I parted ways with the three of them in front of Malik-san's house. When I entered the house, I saw Malik-san in the living room. Seemed like he was about ready to go to work.

"I was told you had caught a gang of bandits out of all things?"

"Yes. But I didn't contribute much. I hope I can be more useful in the future so I will have to do my best to improve myself."

"Support magicians tend to think like that but you do realize your buff is really a game changer, right? The difference in having a buff and not is hard to miss. Well, having an ambition to improve yourself is a good thing though."

Malik-san said as he gently patted my head.

Haaah... When Malik-san gently patted my head like this, it made me really feel like.. 'Ah, I'm finally home... ' kind of thing...

"Umm... Are you going to work today?"

"Huh? Yeah.But I'll be back around 20.00. Do you want to have dinner together tonight?"

"Yes! I have so many things I want to tell you."

He was dressed in his work clothes so I asked him that, just to confirm my suspicion but thankfully, Malik-san would be back in the evening. I wanted to tell Malik-san about all the things that had happened in Laserna... Mainly about Francesca-san and... About the hot springs and gambling house in Laserna too!

"Then I will go drop my luggage in my room first, okay?"

"Yeah. I'll go to work after you're finished."

First thing first, I needed to put my magic bag and the dagger attached to my waist into my room. I wanted to take it easy today so I would just buy the ingredients for tonight's dinner in the nearby market. Also, I did use [Clean] on my laundry that I had stored in my magic bag but maybe I should wash them again?

I went back to the room, feeling excited for today when I saw Malik-san sitting on the sofa, drinking something.

"Ren, c'mere. Ah... Ren... No... I... I'm not sure if I should tell you or not but... Still..."


When I was walking toward him, Malik-san told me to sit beside him. Malik-san usually always spoke whatever was in his mind, he was very blunt and upfront so it was unusual of him to hesitate like this.


"Ah... You see? Ren, you maybe don't notice it. That's why I think I need to tell you that... On the back of your neck... You can hide it or... Use [Heal] to erase it since it's considered as internal bleeding..."

"Huh? ..... Wha-?!"

The back of my neck...? Internal bleeding...?

I pondered about Malik-san's words for a while before I realized what was the cause of the internal bleeding.... I immediately put my hands around my neck, trying to cover it.

Wa-Wait a minute? Don't tell me... Kiss mark?!

I knew there were several kiss marks on my skin but all of the marks I could find could be covered with my clothes. That was why I didn't pay much attention to it! So there was another kiss mark on that place?! I didn't know that!

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