Chapter 111: Promotion Exam 5

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 Chapter 111: Promotion Exam 5


『The hell? You're my opponent? That big guy over there looks stronger than you. I'd rather have him as my opponent. 』

『Kishaaaa!! Shaashaaa!! 』

First, we had an aerial battle with Altair and the snake beast arguing with each other.

Ah... Altair is mocking the snake beast.... What a little rascal...

"Altair! Stop looking down on your enemy! You need to always do your best whoever your opponent is!"

『Ah, Master! You're right! I will do my best! 』

After all, the snake beast was summoned by an A-ranked adventurer. There was no way the snake beast would be weak. If Altair underestimated the snake beast solely because of his appearance, Altair would end up getting hurt. That was why I had to scold Altair properly.

After I scolded him, Altair looked startled. He shook his body and finally he changed his demeanor.

Okay. With this, I think Altair should be alright? What about Spica...

『Mmmoooooo!! Guffff.... Gufffooooo!』

『You... Seriously, you disgust me. Why don't try using your head a little before you start swinging that stick of yours?』

Spica nimbly avoided all of the swinging attacks from the minotaur. Spica didn't seem like he was having a hard time avoiding the minotaur's attack.

Ah... Spica is looking at the minotaur with cold eyes... I guess Spica doesn't like the minotaur type in general.

"My oh my, your magical beasts look so young! I guess my children must've come as a shock to them?"

"Ah, yeah! I think they're still very young too!"

The examiner said with a voice a little louder than usual and I agreed with her. According to Jude-san, every magical beast had a different lifespan with the longest being able to live for over thousands years while the shortest could only live for about two to three years. Their lifespan was proportional to their power, which meant my magical beasts should've a long lifespan.

Also... That meant they had a long period of childhood too... Based on their speech and conduct so far, I'd say Spica was like in her early teens... Like maybe if I were to compare him to a human, he'd be in upper grade school by now. While Altair... Altair appeared to be much younger than Spica. Probably Altair should still be in lower grade school.

『That's not true at all! Ouch!! 』

"Come on, don't get distracted! Altair! Use your feather blade!"

『Okay! Here I go! There! There! There! ~』

In response to our conversation, Altair became distracted and turned his head to voice his disapproval. From there, the dragon beast took his chance and snapped his fangs toward Altair's side, making Altair panicked. Altair then desperately shook the dragon beast off.

He looks like a snake so... Could his fangs be venomous?

After shaking the dragon beast off, Altair took his distance and began to attack with his sharp wings, just like what I had instructed him to. With his big wings spread wide, Altair shot countless flaming feathers. Altair directed his attack toward the dragon beast but the dragon beast easily avoided Altair's attack by wiggling and twisting his body.

『Gughyaaa! Fushaaa!!』

『Stop dodging!!』

"Altair! Calm down!"

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