Chapter 14 : At The Restaurant , Ken

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Chapter 14 : At The Restaurant , Ken

The two of us are standing in front of a what look like a house with a small sign reads 'Ken' in front of it. If Chris-san didn't tell me this was a restaurant, I wouldn't be able to know it was one because from the outside it looks like ordinary house instead of a restaurant.

"This place doesn't looks like a restaurant.."

"Yes, it's because the owner of this place doesn't want this place to get too noticeable because she doesn't want strange people to come here. I used to come here all the time back when I was staying in Pedrell."

Chris-san opens the door and gesture for me to come inside first.

Is this.. 'Ladies first' kinda thing? I mean, I'm not a lady but oh well..

Chris-san is really something..

When we come inside, a beautiful elfen woman with beautiful pink hair greets us," Oh kiddo, you finally come!"

"Please stop calling me 'kiddo'.. I'm already 30 years old you know.." Chris-san replies.

I guess by 'kiddo' she meant Chris-san? At first I thought she was referring to me but it turns out she was referring to Chris-san. What a surprise.

"No matter how old you are, you're always a brat. Anyway, the cute boy beside you is the infamous otherworlder, right? Welcome to 'Ken'! I'm the owner of this place, Eva."


I heard elves have long lifespan, so I guess she must be a lot older than she looks.

"Good afternoon. My name is Ren. I heard from Chris-san that he often frequents this place. I'm looking forward to the meal."

"Hoo~ Chris said something like that? ~ By the way this is the first time Chris ever bring someone here. I take it he's someone special to you?~"

"Fufufu~ I don't know~ Anyway, are you not going to take us to our seat? We are your customer you know."

Even though both of them are smiling, somehow I can feel the cold tension between them. Scary..

"You two go sit over here." Eva-san escort the two of us to the nearest table. Chris-san immediately take a seat beside me. "Ren-chan, do you have anything you don't like? In here, we don't have a menu. I just whip up whatever is there in the kitchen. It's a bother to have fixed menu anyway."

"Ah, yes. I don't have anything I particularly hate. That means this shop has different food everyday? Sounds fun, I'm looking forward to it!" I reply with a smile on my face.

Nodding, Eva-san goes back to the kitchen, leaving me and Chris-san behind.

Looking around the shop, I see there's only 4 table in here. A really small shop indeed.

So this is like the mystery restaurant back in earth. How fun! I hope I can get a rice dish!~

I wonder what kind of food she will make for me?~

"Fufufuf, Ren-chan do you like this place? You keep on smiling cutely ever since we got inside~" Chris-san asks me, he has both of his elbows on the table and he rests his chin on top of his joined hands.

"Ah yes, the ambience here is really relaxing and I can't help but to wonder what kind of food I will get."

"I used to come to this shop everyday back when I just started to become an adventurer. There's also Eva-san's husband back then but he's already passed away. I'm indebted to him . He really helped me a lot."

"Ah then, this must be an important place for Chris-san. Thank you for bringing me here."

Chris-san smiles turns kinda bittersweet as he reminiscence his past. I wonder why he would bring me to this restaurant? This restaurant seems to be really important to Chris-san.

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