Chapter 49 : The Reward

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We went down to the first floor and saw Nora-san sitting on the counter meant for people to turn their quest in.

Malik-san decided to wait for us and sat on the table across the counter so we could ate together later after we've finished turning the raw materials.

"Well then,please take out your guild card." Nora-san said as we arrived in front of the counter she was sitting at.

"Okay. [Come Out, Guild Card]."

I took my guild card out and gave it to Nora-san.

The other three also followed suit.

Since I was still F-rank, I had yellow guild card while the other three had red colored guild card.

Hmm..I wonder whether my guild card will change its color soon?

Then, Fer-san sat down on a seat in front of the counter.

Chris-san and Sig-san was still standing behind me though, would it be alright for me to sit down ?

There was only 2 chairs in front of the counter so I wasn't sure..

"Umm, is it okay if I sit here?"

"Of course you can. Ren is our party leader so it's given that you will be the one sitting there. As for Fer, he's the best one between all of us in paperwork and stuff so he will be sitting beside you."

Ah.. In short I was the leader in name only huh..

I couldn't help but agree that I couldn't imagine Sig-san doing the paperwork meticulously but Chris-san should be decent with administrative work, right?

Well Fer-san seemed to be the best so I guess leaving the clerical side of our job to him would be the best though.

"Then, let us begin. Since this is Ren-san's first time in turning in subjugation quest, I will explain the procedure briefly. First, I need to confirm how much monster you've subjugated. Since the four of you finished the quest as a party, I only need one guild card as the representative of your party. Ren-san is the leader of Luche,so I need to check on Ren-san's guild card for confirmation." Nora-san said as she took my guild card and inserted it into the guild's reading device. The device was a magical tool used to read one's guild card.

The card got swallowed by the device and a three dimensional holographic letter popped from the device.

"This.. You've subjugated quite a lot of monster.. Please wait for a moment, I need to check the list carefully."

"Wow~ We've subjugated this much?~ I've never seen a list this long before!~" Chris-san said in astonishment.

More and more letter kept on appearing, the list kept on getting longer and longer.

Sig-san and Fer-san also starred on the growing list dumbfoundedly.

After a few minutes had passed, the letter finally stopped growing.

The list had reached the ceiling of the adventurer guild now.

Nora-san took out another magical device, the device was in the shape of a quill.

She touched the list with the tip of her quill and the list got sucked into the quill.

"Please wait for a few minutes while the device compiled the list. The device then will transcribe the compiled data on these paper."

The quill shook lightly as it processed the data then the quill floated and stabbed the A4 paper Nora-san had prepared beforehand.

Letter started to form on top of the paper that the quill had pierced through.

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