Chapter 50 : Drinking In The Day

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T/N: Here's the layout of Malik's house that the author provides

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T/N: Here's the layout of Malik's house that the author provides. Even though they're living in what I assume european world, they have the standard japanese house huh.


"Phew.. Now that I'm standing here, it finally feels like I've truly returned home." I sighed as I was standing on the porch.

Looking at the familiar sight of Malik-san's house, the feeling of returning to home finally sinked in my heart.

"Come on in, you three. I will open the good stuff I stashed for you guys. Ren, can you make something for our snack?" Malik-san beckoned to the other three to come in since they were just standing in front of the door idly.

"Yes, not only snack for drinking but I will also make Malik-san's favourite, chicken teriyaki for our lunch."

Snacks huh..

I wonder what I should make ?

Since I was already an adult, of course I've drunk before back in earth but after I arrived in Alsar, I haven't drank any alcohol yet.

I was busy trying to adapt here and it just slipped my mind since I wasn't an avid drinker back in earth.

Well, for starter I will make Malik-san's favourite, you couldn't go wrong with teriyaki chicken after all~

"Excuse me~"

"Pardon the intrusion."

"Excuse me."

The three of them finally said as they stepped into the house.

"I'm going to my room to put my baggage down."

Malik-san and the others were sitting together in the living room so I went into my room to put my luggage away.

I let my door open to air my room,letting the air circulation to flow better after almost one whole month without anyone entering this room.

I hanged my mantle on the hanger and put my magic bag on top of the shelf.

After that, I opened my closet to change into my casual wear.

Of course since I was going to cook, I also wore my apron.

After making sure everything was in check, I exited my room to join everyone in the living room.

"Ren have you finished changing? I want to drink soon."

The four of them were sitting on top of the soft rug, they were sitting side by side around the rectangular low table.

Fer-san and Malik-san was sitting on the side of the table nearest to the kitchen while Sig-san and Chris-san was sitting on the other side.

Rows of sake bottles adorned the table, Malik-san swayed the sake bottles he was holding impatiently.

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