Chapter 128: Let's Heal Fer

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Chapter 128: Let's Heal Fer


"Anyway, do you know the most beautiful inn in this town?~"


"Then please take us there~"


After Fer-san saw us off, we rode the carriage to take us to the town. Chris-san opened the small window separating us from the coach and he asked the coach to take us to the inn before he closed the window shut.

"I think it's going to take us about 30 minutes to reach there?~"

Chris-san went back to his seat on this fluffy sofa as he spoke while slightly inclining his head to the side.

"Ah, that sounds about right."

Right now, I was sitting on the sofa with Sig-san. We were sitting facing the coach side while Chris-san was sitting on the opposite side.

"Ren-chan... What do you think about our visit today? Do you hate it?~"

"Eh? Well... I'm somewhat confused but I don't hate it."

They did make me wear a lolita outfit but they already apologized for it and properly reflected on their action so I didn't mind it that much. What Princess Lily said to me really surprised me but she hadn't done any real harm to me. I didn't know what kind of punishment she had to bear but there wasn't anything I could do about it.

All in all, I guess it was actually a positive experience since all of Fer-san's family members, with the exception of Manami-sama and Princess Lily, accepted me.

"I see... You know... We're going to meet with my family in two days but... I think my family is going to give Ren-chan an unpleasant experience though...."

Chris-san said that with an indescribable sad expression on his face. In the first place, Chris-san already showed his reluctance in letting me meet his family.

"I'm the one who said I want to meet with them so it's alright. Besides, even if they gave me an unpleasant experience, Chris-san and the others will be there with me so I will be able to endure it."

I was the one who wished to meet with them so I'd be alright!

"Ren-chan... Yeah. I will definitely protect you, okay~"

After that, we continued our trip to the inn while talking leisurely.


"Thank you very much."

"No, it was my pleasure. Then, please take care."

The carriage finally pulled into a stop in front of an inn. We got off from the carriage and I thanked the coachman. He slightly smiled back at me before he steered the carriage away from the inn.

"Chris-san did say the most beautiful inn but really, this place is truly beautiful."

"Yeah. This place is not too gaudy or over the top... It has a pure beautiful vibe to it... In any case, this is a beautiful place for sure~"

"It's already 21:00. Let's get inside quickly. We need to check if they have any room for us or not, right?"

The inn we were guided to didn't look too grand but it was definitely a beautiful inn. Just like what Sig-san had said. It was getting very late and if this inn didn't have any room available, we had to find another inn.


"Thankfully they still have a room~"

"Yeah. Ren, you must be tired. You can go to sleep now."

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