Chapter 134: I Have to Say It Loud and Clear~

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Chapter 134: I Have to Say It Loud and Clear~

This whole chapter will be from Chris' POV.


"Fufu~ Asking me to hug him... As I thought, Ren-chan is just way too cute~"

My parents went overboard. Maybe they could realize I was feeling anxious that Ren-chan would hate me. That was why they even said something like that to my adorable fiancé?

I guess I need to warn my father and the others for a little bit for my adorable fiancé's sake, huh?~

With that in mind, I went back to the room.

"...... What is the meaning of this?! Why... Why is His Highness..."

"Mother, even if it wasn't with His Highness, that kind of attitude is still too much."

"Shut up! Mauritz! Did you know that person was His Highness?!"

"Well, I'm more or less still a knight and in the city, the portraits of him, Big Brother Chris and Silver Wolf, who was coming with them too, were selling like crazy."

When I opened the door, I saw my father and my mother had also moved into the room I had been in. They were sitting on the chair that Ren-chan and the others had sat on. My mother was banging the table violently, looking angry at Mauritz who was sitting with her.

My father and Adele-sama, along with Alex and Syuti, had another set of table prepared. They were sitting there while drinking tea.

Ah~ How troublesome~

I didn't hear anything about my mother being in this kind of state already. My father was sitting on the table while looking at another way. It was clear to see he didn't have any intention of stopping her since he already knew my mother couldn't be stopped anyway. It seemed my mother hadn't noticed my presence yet so I just stood there while leaning against the door, watching the whole spectacle unfolded.

"That's right. Although I did say that Chris should just make them his paramour, if Chris can get married to His Highness, then that's great. If that's the case, the Hast family will be safe, right?"

"If you said that after saying such an unthinkable thing, His Highness would get angry, you know?"

I was shocked to know my mother was saying something stupid again. I had already told her Fer was also Ren-chan's fiancé, why couldn't she understand such a simple fact?

Ah, right. My mother wasn't here earlier... And it doesn't seem like Mau and the others have explained anything to my mother either.

I took a fleeting glance at my younger siblings and shook my head. It couldn't be helped. I had to separate myself from the door and went to sit on the chair with my mother to tell her that kind of thinking was dangerous.

"Christian! Just why? You have a good face just like your father and there's nothing to complain about your social status. Moreover, you're an excellent adventurer too..."

"What are you talking about when you're the one who so vehemently prevented me from being an adventurer in the first place..."

When she finally realized I was there, my mother called out to me and said something absurd again. Talking about me being an excellent adventurer... When I finished school at 15 and was determined to leave the house, she was the one who kept on hurling insult after insult to try to stop me. Even after that, everytime we met, she would always tell me to stop being an adventurer and take my seat as the heir instead. When I became an A-ranked adventurer when I was 24, she still told me to stop being an adventurer while my condition was still good.

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