Chapter 173: Desert Turtle

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Chapter 173: Desert Turtle



That's Desert Turtle~"

"Though that one is a bit bigger than usual."

『What's that? An enemy?~』

『I will handle it.』

I stepped out of Flavia a bit later than the three of them and they were already holding their swords in hand, facing the same direction. Altair and Spica had returned to their original size, fully prepared for combat. From the direction they were facing, there was something approaching us at a rapid speed, accompanied by a big cloud of sand.

"Huh? Where's Flavia? Oh...."

Unable to find Flavia despite her abnormally big size, I looked around anxiously until I found her hiding her body vertically between the tent and a cactus. She folded her legs together, forming one neat line.

I wondered what happened to the roof on her back but it turned out the roof and the rest of her body was also sandwiched together in the same way.

Well... As long as we didn't get beaten to pulp, I guess it should be safe for her to stay there. It turns out raku is pretty good at quick thinking, huh...

"Ren! It's coming! If you can cast (Root) on it then please do it now!"


The monster that was still 50 meters away from us was a large turtle with a spiky shell. The turtle looked to be about 5 or 6 meters in size but the turtle was moving toward us at a much faster speed than any turtle I knew.


The big turtle, which was approaching with thunderous noise, was about 10 meters away from us when I pointed my right hand at it and cast (Root).

『『As expected from our master!』』

Then, although it was hard to see clearly because of the dust, but it seemed the turtle had stopped on its tracks. And also because Altair and Spica praised me for a job well done.

"Altair, Spica, please stay by Ren-kun's side just to be safe, okay?"

『On it!』

Fer-san, who had been observing the turtle intently, noticed that (Root) had successfully halted the turtle's movement. He turned his back to Altair and Spica. Altair then responded back excitedly.

Even though no one but me understood Altair and Spica's language, but Fer-san nodded in return.

"WAIT WAIT~ Fer, you're our main damage dealer during our fight with Desert Lizard later, you know?~ So you need to conserve your energy and wait here with Ren-chan. Sig, let's go!"


Fer-san was about to run toward the turtle when Chris-san grabbed his shoulder, preventing him from running. Chris-san then reminded Fer-san about his crucial position before he winked and called out to Sig-san. Chris-san then assumed his battle stance, readying his beloved twin swords in hand and starting to run. Right behind Chris-san, Sig-san was also chasing after the turtle with his large sword in hand. His wolf ear perked up, a clear proof of his excitement.

Being left behind by Chris-san and Sig-san, Fer-san sighed and put his sword back. Still, Fer-san remained cautious. He didn't let his guard down just yet. He kept his eye on the Desert Turtle and walked backward toward me, who was standing next to the tent.

"Haa... It can't be helped I guess. Desert Turtle might be big but it's a C-rank monster. Not only the turtle can't move because of (Root) but they both have support buff casted on them so they should be able to handle the turtle without any problem."

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