Chapter 35 : This is More Than Just A 'Little' !!

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Chapter 35 : This is More Than Just A 'Little' !!


Sig-san already released me from his embrace but I still couldn't move.

Suddenly, someone was lifting me up by my armpits and held me close to his body.

"Fufufu~ It's my turn next~"

Apparently it was Chris-san that lifted me up.

Chris-san then sat on the chair as he lifted me up and put me on his lap sideways, his hand was secure on my back to avoid me from falling over.

"Ahh~ Sig has turned Ren-chan's face to become this adorable~ Me too~ I'm going to make Ren-chan even more adorable than before~"


Before I understood what he was saying before, Chris-san leaned down and kissed me.

Chris-san didn't waste any second to push his tongue inside me and explored the inside of my mouth with his tongue.

He sucked on my bottom gums and licked my it repeatedly.

My saliva was being mixed by Chris-san's tongue, resulting in another series of squelching sounds.

Up until now, when I kissed a girl back in Earth, it never occured in my mind to kiss her like this.

Chris-san continued kissing me and then his hand traveled up to my left ear and he gently caressed my earlobe.

I shivered from the touch, chills ran through my body, making me moaned inevitably.


"Hmm~ Ren-chan seems to be sensitive in the ear~" Chris-san whispered into my right ear, attacking both of my ear at the same time.

At first, he was biting on my earlobe but then out of nowhere, I felt a wet sensation on the inside of my ear.


I kept on moaning as Chris-san kept on licking and sucking every corner of my ear.

He pistoned his tongue out and in of the canal of my ear, like he was trying to fuck my ear with his tongue.

The sound of Chris-san slurping on my ear reverberated up to the inside of my mind.

"Nngh.. N-No.. Ahn..!"

This was more than just a little bit, right??

If this was only a 'little', I didn't think I would even last until the end.

"Do you feel like melting, Ren-chan?~ Ahh so cute~" Chris-san said as he finally stopped licking my ear and caressed my head lovingly instead.

"Ren-kun, are you alright? Were those two too rough on you?"

Fer-san asked me but I couldn't answer him, I was feeling too lightheaded, like I was floating mid air.

"Well but you understand that Ren is special, right? It has to be Ren, another person wouldn't do. It's the same for you, right Fer?"

Sig-san.. Was that a compliment for me?

I didn't really understand it but I couldn't think properly right now, I felt like I was drunk by all these new sensation.

"Then Fer, are you not going to take your turn today?"

"No, I will do it. Ren-kun, come here."

Fer-san who was sitting on the chair beside Chris-san, opened both of his hand to me, gesturing me to come and sat on his lap instead but..

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