Chapter 66 : New Quest?

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Chapter 66 : New Quest?

It was eight in the morning.

I was walking down the road with the morning sun shining above me. Opening the door to the guild for the first time in three days, I was greeted with the sight of Tord-san sleeping face as he managed the counter.

"Good morning, Tord-san. I heard from Malik-san yesterday that there are some quests for us. Is the quest posted on the bulletin board?"

"Good mornings!~ Yes! They are posted on the bulletin board... We have three A-rank monster subjugation solo quests and one A-rank escort party quest. I think these are the quests you've heard about?"

When I greeted him, Tord-san shook his head lightly. Maybe to clear his head from the sleepiness before he greeted me back with his usual excited voice. Tord-san told me the solo quests were all monster subjugation quests. I didn't have many attack skills so it'd be impossible for me to take these solo quests. I wonder even though the quest was defined as a solo quest, was it still possible for multiple people to take it on together?

"Regarding this solo quest... Is it possible for multiple people to take it? For example if I take it with one other person?"

"Yes, it is possible! Only party quests have a minimum number of people participating. You have to take a party quest in a party, no other way! But for solo quests, there's no minimum or maximum number of people!"

"I see... Thank you, Tord-san."

Then I could invite someone to join me. I was hopelessly inexperienced after all so I wanted to take on more quests so I could stack up some experience little by little.

"And what about the party quest one?"

"Yes. It's supposed to be a party quest for A-rank party but right now there are only two A-rank parties in Pedrel, Ren-san's 【Luce】and Gianna's 【Casablanca】but... Gianna-san had taken a quest from this client before and they didn't get along at all. So you can say only 【Luce】 eligible for this quest."


In the first place, there were about 50 A-rank adventurers registered to the guild. Since this quest required multiple A-rank adventurers to complete, does that mean this quest is a dangerous one?

I also wondered what kind of person the client was since they didn't get along with Gianna-san...But if we didn't take this quest, no other party left could take it. The client would be troubled if no one took it...

Should I try to talk about this with Fer-san, Chris-san and Sig-san first?

"I see... Thank you, Tord-san. I will discuss this with Chris-san and the others before I decide to take this quest. I will see you soon then."

"Okay~ I'll be waiting for youuu~"

The last time I saw Tord-san, he was a little gloomy but today he looked as cheerful as ever. As I thought, being highly spirited suits Tord-san more.

I went to the fifth floor to meet with Chris-san and the others.

But... Really... Why did they have to get a room on the top floor...?

The people staying here were all adventurers and generally speaking, they were physically well built with big, strong limbs so walking up all these stairs wouldn't pose any trouble for them. But not for me though, these stairs were pretty steep for me.

"If I'm not wrong, Fer-san's stays in the room closest to the stairs... Fer-san, can I come in?"

I stood in front of a room with the number 503. I knocked lightly while calling for Fer-san.

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