Chapter 103 : Aspel Country ・ Royal Capital

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Chapter 103 : Aspel Country ・ Royal Capital


"Then, I'll be going."

"Yeah. If it's Ren, I'm sure you will reach A-rank. Go hit them hard!"


The day finally dawned for me to leave for the royal capital. Malik-san saw us off while I was riding on top of William who had arrived with Chris-san early in the morning before we finally departed.

"The royal capital is only one day away with a magical horse, right?"

"Yup, that's right~ This time as well, we will travel in the morning, take a nap during the day then continue our journey at night.... We should be able to arrive tomorrow morning."

Altair and Spica had returned to their original size and they were flying and running respectively together with us. It might be impossible with Altair but I had thought maybe I could ride on Spica's back so I did try it for a little while. When Spica was just walking normally, everything was fine but the moment he started running, he was moving too precipitously so I couldn't ride him. Because of that, it was decided I'd keep riding with William and the others when I needed to go somewhere else.

Actually I wanted to try practicing riding a horse all by myself but the three of them it was alright for things to stay this way so... Ah well, maybe I'll get my chance later in the future... Under normal circumstances, I didn't mind riding with them like this but just in case of an emergency, it'd be better if I could ride a horse myself.

"So beautiful..."

I muttered, soft enough so Chris-san couldn't hear me. Viktor, William and Oscar were running in line in that particular order while Altair was soaring diagonally in front of us. Unlike his wings and the feathers on his body, his tail feathers were a mix of different colours. His tail feathers were swaying slowly, the movement was elegant and the morning's sunlight was being reflected by his tail, laying scattered scintillating light on his multi-coloured tail feathers.

He's actually a really beautiful kid if he keeps his mouth shut...

"And the other kid as well..."

Spica, who was running on my right side, had his silvery white fur basked in sunlight. The sunlight combined with his silvery white fur, made Spica look like he was glowing.

Yeah... Given how their appearance looks, they will still look conspicuous even if they stay small...

I need to make sure they stay inside the ring after we've reached the royal capital.


"We're almost there... Look, over those hills are... This country.... Aspel's royal capital."

Fer-san pointed at the hill in front of us.

Our journey toward the royal capital was going smoothly. After we cleaned up our camp, we were finally about to reach the royal capital at 10.00!

"Whoa.... Oh! Which reminds me! Altair! Spica! Can you guys get in the ring?"

『Can't be helped. We have an agreement after all... 』

『I got it.』

"Fufu~ The two of you are such good children."

I had told them the reason why they needed to stay in the ring last night. That was why they agreed to come into the ring without making a fuss. Which reminded me, when they returned to the ring, they didn't instantly disappear but instead they would turn into a smoke and slowly floated into the ring, as if they got sucked right into it.

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