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Cat watched Riri work with a smile on her face.

"You're making me nervous," Riri told her without looking up.

"Sorry," the mutant chuckled. "It's just crazy, part of me thought for years only Tony was able to do this."

Riri glanced at her. "So you got to know him well?"

"I lived with him... a year?" Cat squinted. "I lived around him, my whole teens. He was like the coolest uncle I could ever hope to get."

Riri chuckled. "They were your family for real? The Avengers?"

"Two years ago I would've told you they were, they tutored me and trained me... but I'm not gonna pretend that what Namor said didn't change the way I view things. Hawkeye said it, their orders were clear, it was their job to train me."

"Must've been hard to realize," the girl stopped what she was doing to look at her. "That you've never had what you thought you had."

"I never said that," Cat grinned. "They cared for me in the end, they were my friends, and that was something. And I did get my own family, brother, father and cousins, uncle and aunt... it's weird, but I like weird."

"When Shuri called you she wasn't convinced that you'd be willing to help, but so far you seem pretty dope."

"Yeah, I've had a complex reputation throughout the years," Cat crossed her arms and leaned against the table. "I couldn't make up my mind about it either."

"But now you have? Make up your mind, I mean..."

Cat patted the girl's shoulder. "As soon as I'm done here I'm going back to New York, and then I hope you clear out your schedule, cause your training will start this summer."

Riri's expression was priceless. "Are you messing with me?"

"Normally I would, but not right now," Cat smirked. "You wanna be an Avenger, kid?"

"Holy shit!" The girl walked away covering his mouth, around them several people threw curious glances.

"Keep working, she's just having a moment," Cat dismissed it with a chuckle.

M.O.U.S.E. spoke to her. "Incoming call: Lucifer."

The mutant's heart squeezed with worry and she walked out of the lab hoping Matt wasn't calling to give her bad news. "Hi, hot shot, what's new?"

There was a short silence at the other end. "You sound... okay."

She chuckled. "Is that bad?"

"I just heard about the queen's death?" He explained. "I wasn't expecting to hear you laughing."

Cat's smile vanished instantly. Her face lost a bit of color. "Right. Yes... she died."

"I thought you'd be upset," he continued, now sounding a little awkward. "I... well, I never forgot what you said about Pietro..."

The woman let out a sad chuckle. "You never forgot, huh?"

"Well, I..." he cleared his throat. "I just wanted to make sure you're okay. Spider-man got really worried when he heard you'd left. I thought you'd called him."

"I didn't, and he didn't call me either cause he knows it's risky. We don't know who could be listening," Cat frowned. "I'm sorry he got worried, but I'm sure by now he knows I'm okay."

"And what happened there? What's going on?"

"It's a long story, and I'm not sure I'm even allowed to talk about it, but I promise I will tell you what I can once I'm back."

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