The Avenger

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"You got your things?"

"I came here with nothing, so yeah," Cat grinned.

Shuri stared at her intently, Copycat was still wearing her suit, she had no other clothes to wear, and she wasn't planning to parade around town anyway, she would leave Riri in her dorm, and then go back to New York.

"You helped me a lot this week, I won't forget that," Shuri said.

Cat reached for the princess's hand. "You have no idea how important this suit was for my next move. And meeting Namor changed my mind about a few things."

"About what?"

"That mutants are superior beings," The princess hesitated, and the hero laughed and patted Shuri's back harshly. "You should've seen your face! Sorry, some habits are harder to drop than others."

The girl punched Cat's shoulder lightly. "You look happy... gives me hope."

"It does?"

"That one day I'll look on the bright side like you do."

Cat decided to be honest, maybe that would help Shuri. "Lying to Namor was like turning my back on every mutant on Earth, Shuri. He showed me that we have worth, and what I can achieve if I don't give up on myself. It may not mean much to you, but I'm thankful you didn't kill him."

Shuri looked away. "I think we have lost enough. Killing Namor would've turned the Black Panther into someone unworthy of the legacy."

"Hmm, I hate legacies," Cat patted her shoulder again. "Don't become a stranger, alright? You can call me even if it's just to complain about your day."

"Good luck with that hunter," the girl squeezed her arm encouragingly. "Don't let him win."

"Can't. I got a team to rebuild," she grinned.

"I'll be waiting for your call."


Riri stumbled onto her bed. "Oof! That ain't something I'm gonna get used to..."

Cat chuckled. "It was the fastest way to get you here," she dropped the girl's bag next to her. "Look after yourself, kiddo."

"Wait! That thing you said... about recruiting me..."

"You don't want me to?"

"You're gonna do it for real?"

"Yeah, if you're really interested," Cat assured her. "But there are a few things I gotta do first. Don't worry though, if you're meant to be an Avenger, you'll become one in due time."

Riri had an anxious look on her face. "I'm not sure I want to, though..."

Cat was unbothered by her response. She shrugged casually. "Well, the world is full of people like us, so no pressure. Whatever you end up choosing will be the right call, as long as it's not out of fear."


"A colonizer in chains... Now I have seen everything."

"Funny," the ex-agent got out of the car and noticed the young woman on his left. "So Copycat really is Agent Zero, huh?"

She frowned. "How did you figure it out?"

"We found your gorgon suit at the scene," Agent Ross explained. "But I heard you quit like a year ago..."

"I heard you committed treason," she replied.

The man looked at Okoye. "You're protecting her?"

"I protected them," Cat frowned.

"She took advantage of our situation," Okoye clarified.

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