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January 31st

"What happened to your little friend, Tae?" My dad asked me as I sat at the island, eating my food. I stopped chewing at the mention of her name before realizing he was staring.

"Nothing." I answered after swallowing. "How come I don't see her as much, I used to see her every day." He reminded me while I sipped my water. I gulped dramatically before shrugging, meeting his gaze.

"We aren't talking right now..." I told him. He raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"The night she came to my workout, she told me something... and I didn't know how to respond. I went in the store and came back out and she was gone, haven't spoken since." I explained, eating my broccoli.

"Why you ain't say nothing?"

"I didn't know what to say." I shrugged. "What did she say?"

"I don't wanna talk about that...." I shrugged.

"You keeping secrets now huh?."

"It's not a secret, it's just about her, dealing with her feelings and emotions." I told him, receiving a nod. "Oh ok, you still should talk to her."

"That would be mad awkward then—."

"—it won't, you're supposed to be her friend. Regardless on if you agree with whatever y'all fell about. You still should be there for her." He told me.

"I don't know pops.."

"How does she even... like... where did that idea come from?" I ranted, wanting an honest answer. "You'll never know unless you ask her."

He said, I sighed and grabbed my phone and AirPods. I put them in and then I FaceTimed her, hoping she'd answer.

She did seconds later, her forehead in the camera as she appeared to be in bed. "You going to sleep?"

"No, I just got in." She stated, I heard a lighter strike which made me slightly roll my eyes. "Oh... well I need to talk to you."


"What you said."

"What about it?" She puffed her blunt, I glanced at my dad and he was turned to the stove, whipping something up. "Why... how?"

"How do I find you attractive?" She asked, pulling out her big girl words. "No, why."

"I feel a certain way when I'm with you, versus me being with anybody else. You're the first person in Philly to get a genuine smile out of me... and being around you is calming. I ain't gotta be a quiet, nonchalant person. You probably feel like that's what friends supposed to do, but I've never had a friend like you. I can't really explain it but I know i want you."

I tried understanding from her point of view, but all I got was a friendship vibe. I've never gave off the impression of wanting to be anything other than friends

"Ok... well.."

She watched me speak, but it seemed as though she wasn't actually listening. "You listening?" I asked, she hummed.

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