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February 14th

The very next morning, Chi talked Tae into going to school. "Why the fuck you even at school on ya' birthday?"

"Because ima student athlete." Chi replied, getting her books as they stood at her locker. "Student athlete my ass."

"Ok, turn around." Chi replied, Tae smacked her lips. "And then you wanna be like me, matching me and shit."

"Bro bye, I had this on first." Chi replied, Tae hummed as the bell rang. "I'll see you in 4th." Chi said, Tae hummed softly.

"Ok." She stated, wanting a kiss. Chi could sense that, so she sighed. "What's wrong?" Tae asked.

"Nothing, see you." She replied, walking away. Tae watched the taller girl disappear before sighing. She made her way to her locker and got her things, heading to her first period.

She sat through every class and did her work, having an agreement with Chi that she'd keep her grades up for the remainder of the quarter.

Chi promised to let her put her hand in the cookie jar if she brought her a report card with all A's, report cards were said to come out in 2 weeks, and Tae couldn't wait.

As soon as the bell rang for 4th period, she made her way down the hall to her study hall, sitting in her usual seat. A few minutes later, Chi came in and sat next to her.

"Hey daddy's doodoo butt." Chi spoke, she blushed at the name before chuckling. "You real funny."

"Shut up, you know you found that funny." Chi replied, getting on her phone. "I didn't get a, 'I miss you' text." Chi stated, Tae hummed.

"I don't miss you."

"Oh for real?"

"Yup. Tired of ya' lanky ass." She replied, Chi smacked her lips. "Remember that."



"It's packed as fuck in here." Tae mumbled as she made her way through the row of people, finding their seats in the arena.

"Yeah, everybody came to see Brooklyn get their ass kicked." Chi replied, Tae thumped her and dug into her popcorn. "Greedy ass."

"I'm high as fuck, I can't wait til they bring that food up here." Tae stated, Chi chuckled.

"Damn , game just started and KD already letting loose." Chi frowned, Tae hummed. "He bout to go ape mode on James Harden crunchy beard ass."

"Shut up." Chi insisted, Tae chuckled and continued to watch the game with low eyes, smirking at Chi's irritation. "I'm bout to go suit up and help them out."

By the end of the 2nd quarter, the 76ers were down by 20 and Tae was smirking like her life depended on it. "Let me tell you how this shit is fake, yo."

"Ok." Tae sat up and began to listen, ignoring the music that played in the background. Her eyes focused on Chi as she listened to her words, occasionally humming and nodding as she listened to Chi complain about the game.

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