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Standing in the middle of the pavement, unaware of what comes bolting towards thyself.

Nothing functions properly as millions of thoughts race through my mind. I desperately grab ahold of one and try holding on, but my grip couldn't have been tight enough. Judging by the way the thought snatched away and pulled some agony along with itself.

My finger tapped the trigger of my m&p twice, and it was as if I was staring into a mirror. I couldn't function.

What the fuck have I done? I may have thought.

I took a small step back after releasing my finger from the trigger, and those bullets departed from the barrel of the gun, to the flesh of my back.

I tensed at the numbing feeling that made itself known throughout my physique. I couldn't function.

The numbing sensation quickly vacated as quick as it invaded my body, a stinging discomfort wave washed over my entire torso as I took a slight moment to take everything in.

I attempted to suck in a breath, but it was as though my lungs were nonexistent. I couldn't stand the amount of pressure that built up inside my chest cavity, along with the stinging impact that burned several other parts of my body.

I attempted to wince at the feeling of my head hitting the concrete. I couldn't function. The distant metallic tang made itself known throughout my mouth.

I attempted to suck in a breath, but it felt as if I was drowning all over again.

TW: If you're uncomfortable reading things of this sort, please feel free to skip ahead now.
The following scene will be underlined, Tate's thoughts will resume at italic.

"Mami! Tate isn't breathing!" The sound of Bruce screaming through the front window of their row house filled the silence of the neighborhood. At the sound of the commotion, the young mother turned off the pot on the stove and rushed through the living room.

She bursted through the front door seeing her son standing by the window, his shorts dripping water while his curly tapered hair hung down his face, dripping water as well. "Where?!" She yelled, he took off down the street having cars stop in traffic, nearly causing an accident as he rushed back around the block to his baby sister.

Approaching the house with the pool, the mother and son had to push through a crowd of people who had quickly gathered after the news spread in a short amount of time. "Move! Move! That's my daughter! That's my babygirl!" Miranda shouted as she pushed through a number of people before she was finally met with the sight of her daughter lying in a puddle, 2 men kneeled beside her just staring down at her.

"Do something!" She yelled, rushing over she dropped to her knees and grabbed Tae's face. "Somebody call an ambulance! Llama a una ambulancia!" She yelled as tears rushed to the brim of her eyes, she didn't fight them at all. Instead she hovered over the 9 year old and checked her pulse.

"Out of the way! Out of the way! Excuse me ma'am, I'm a retired nurse—."

"—HELP MY BABY!" Miranda interrupted the elder woman, she nodded while shooing the two men away, but Miranda wouldn't move. She slid back a little but was still in arms length of her daughter, watching as the woman put her face down against Tate's chest.

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