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December 23rd
Game Day

"Ayo Chi! You better drop 40 tonight!" I had random people telling me every corner I turned in the school, pressure was heavy of course. It was our first official game of the season, and with "the squad." reassembled everybody expected shit to go well.

They all thought I left to get better, but I told them I literally took off for a year just to rest, and they're expecting too much from someone who hasn't played ball since 10th grade.

I mean don't get me wrong, I can ball. I'm just not Kobe or Bron. I just wish niggas who said shit like "drop 40." would be fucking realistic.

I entered my last class of the day and sat in my seat that was on the far right. After just a few minutes of sitting around the teacher closed the door and started class. I took out my pencil from my hoodie pocket and stared down at the worksheet she had just passed out.

It was halfway filled out and all I had to do was take notes from the video and fill them in, and in no time she was starting the video.

After school, I went and got a sub sandwich from subway and ate in my car. I stared down at my homescreen, a picture of Tae and I in bed. My heart stung as I stared at her goofy expression, she had her tongue out with her eyes shut like the 😝 emoji.

I haven't heard her voice since June, she's barley active on social media, and my messages hardly ever go through. Every now and then she tells me she hopes I'm doing well, but then I go days without hearing from her again.

I don't even know if she stills consider herself my girlfriend. But I do. Tae's my soulmate, and nobody's telling me otherwise. I'll never get over her, I'll never stop loving her.

She's the first and only female I've ever loved.

My heart continued to sting at the remembrance of her, tears welled in my eyes as I continued to stare at the picture. I just want her here with me, complaining about how she doesn't wanna be cold so she's snuggled into my side with her face in my neck.

Or her whining to me about being hungry but not wanting me to leave the bed. Her lying her head on my stomach so I could play in her hair, and she'd whine or grunt whenever I stopped.

I miss her so much.

I wiped my face and grabbed my belongings before getting out of my car, I reached into the back and grabbed my basketball bag and made my way into the gym.

"Yo!" I heard from a few of my teammates who were getting shots up, I nodded my head at them before I kept going. I got to the locker room and sat down on the bench, I put in my airpods and just stared down at my feet while putting my playlist on shuffle.

Where Do Broken Hearts go filled my ears as I took a deep breath and stared at my locker. 'Davis, #3'

I checked the time seeing it was 4:58PM, our game started at 6. I began removing my puffer, then I removed my hoodie along with my shirt. Turning up my phone a little more, I opened my bag and took out my white compression shirt.

I slipped it over my head and pulled it down onto my body before slipping out of my sweats, I grabbed my white pair of compression tights and slipped them on as well. I grabbed my jersey from my locker and put on the shorts, leaving the top inside the locker.

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