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December twenty fifth

"Honey... I'm Home!" Chi yelled as she unlocked the front door of Tae's place, inhaling the fresh smell of cinnamon and scented pine cones. Her eyes drifted over to the Christmas Tree that stood between the TV and the wall, all the gifts still under it untouched.

She smiled at the sight before dropping her bag on the couch, making her way towards Tae's room where she glanced inside and didn't see her. She furrowed her eyebrows before glancing at the bathroom door, the sound of the shower water hitting the floor answered her mental question. She stepped inside, instantly being smacked in the face by the steam that poured from the bathroom door that was slightly cracked.

"Wow, without me?" She pouted, Tae peaked out the curtain at her before shaking her head. "Get out, lil pervert." She teased her younger girlfriend, Chi grabbed ahold of the shower curtain and smirked. "Say I won't.." She teased back, Tae smacked her lips.

"I'm getting out anyways." She pulled back the curtains for Chi, Chi handed her the towel and stepped aside so she could get out. She stepped out onto the rug sighed peacefully. "Why you showering mid day?"

"I told you I went for a lil run."

"Mmmm, get out so I can shower."

"Yeah yeah, you better put them PJ's on—."

"—of course!" Chi instantly smiled at the mention of the matching clothing they had gotten. "And the socks."

"Turn the heat down and I'll put the socks on." She stated, Tae hummed while wrapping the towel around herself she made her way out of the bathroom.


"When we opening the gifts?" Chi eagerly asked, never really experiencing a Christmas of this sort. Her gifts were never wrapped up nicely under a tree, hell they didn't even have a tree most of the time. She'd be handed her gifts and she go up to her room and just watch Christmas movies all day. Tae on the other hand hadn't had a Christmas in a while, her last one being when she was 11 years old.

It was right before Bruce had died, and afterwards nothing was the same, she hardly got gifts even though her mother was trying so hard, so instead she just visited Bruce's grave every Christmas to talk about what she did receive. Which would be nothing more than 20$, and a few candy canes.

Tae's heart began to lightly thump as she glanced up at Chi, preparing to answer her question but the eagerness in her eyes only drove Tae into confusion. "Whenever you want, why you so eager?"

"Because... I'm excited." Chi admitted with a shrug. "I never had a Christmas like this." She informed Tae while shrugging, her excited eyes slowly dying down. "Ok, come on."

"I want you to open yours first." Chi said, Tae raised an eyebrow. "Me first? Why it gotta be me?" She asked, receiving a small grin from Chi. "Sit ya' ass down and open the gifts." Chi insisted, Tae smacked her lips.

She pulled Chi down along with her, they sat just in front of the tree, Tae reached over toward the socket and switched it on, the lights glowing in Chi's eyes as she tried to hide her excitement. "Wait, open this last." Chi took the bag from Tae, who sat with a raised eyebrow while eyeing the small gift bag.

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