Bob Velseb x Ghost Reader

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kaiscope asked:

Could you do headcannons for a Bob x Ghost!Reader? I'd think it would be a pretty interesting concept ^^


Content: Mention of death, reader's appearance or death is not descripted, gn reader, long ass headcanons, proofread

-You guys met when he was running from the cops and hid in an abandoned house
-He stayed there for a bit and found out something was inhabiting the place
-He wasn't scared, he actively tried to seek you out while you were shutting doors and opening cupboards, probably thinking you were just a random kid messing with him
-Until he got locked in a room. He swears he didn't see anybody lock or close that door, he was standing right there!
-Then he decided to leave by breaking the window.
-He's shook, not sure if he can believe what he saw, but curiosity takes over and one night he decides to go back and confirm if what he saw was real or not.
-It was real all right.
-You scare him off again by throwing objects around, you wanted him to get out. And yeah, he listened
-But again a few days later he found himself back at this seemingly haunted house. It was like a magnet was pulling him back everytime!
-Breaking in, again, you tried to get him to leave. And this time you didn't hold back
-You knocked over wardrobes, made the beds levitate, you even broke all the glasses!
-Hell, you even decided to present yourself to him. You locked him in the bathroom and was looming over his shoulder in the mirror, right over his shoulder, staring into his soul through the mirror. But when he saw you, your true form, he couldn't stop looking.
-He looked behind him. But nothing except the cold wall was there. Looking back to the mirror, you were gone.
-He was fascinated, to say the very least.
-You ended up shattering the mirror, breaking it into a million pieces.
-He left, again, but you weren't sure if he were coming back or not.
-And yeah, he did.
-This time with ghost hunting equipment. He came with a spirit box, an EMF reader, and probably more.
-First he wandered around trying to use the spirit box to communicate with you. Asking things like "Are you here?" Or "Can you give me a sign?"
-And yes, you did give him a sign. You broke the mirror in your old bedroom.
-It was then he started asking questions. "Is this your room?" "When did you die?" "What's your name?"
-You honestly gave up on trying to get him to leave, you finally gave in and spoke to him, answering his questions.
-You opened up to him about how you died and other questions he asked. After a couple hours he said goodbye and left, promising to be back again.
-He kept that promise, alright.
-He came back almost everyday just to talk to you, sometimes he even stayed the night in your old bed.
-He really wanted you to show yourself again. He bought you another mirror and replaced it with your broken one, begging you to show yourself just at least once more.
-You refused, you couldn't just yet, but when he begged and said he'd do anything, you thought on that just a little bit.
-And you asked him to clean your house, so you could feeling like you were reliving your old life.
-And it took a while, it did, but he eventually got around to it.
-You didn't actually expect him to do that - you were shocked.
-But keeping your promise, you decided to show yourself one more time. Right behind him, just like the first time he saw you.
-And my, was he stunned. He just couldn't take his eyes off your form, you looked perfect. You were perfect.
-And so, he decided to start living in your house.
-Which caught you off guard, but you didn't mind; it was so lonely without him.
-But as time grew, and it was almost like you were a live person again, he confessed his love to you.
-He didn't see you as just a ghost, he saw you as a person. A person he fell in love with, even if you were dead.
-You had to admit, things wouldn't be the same with him around. So you accepted.
-And I guess you two started dating. Sure, you two could admit you were a strange couple, but at least you two could be together forever.
-Okay, so, let's say at this point, you can't really 'speak' but you can whisper, like you might have to strain to hear your own voice. You can also become visible but mostly just transparent, and only for limited periods of time
-Now, dates aren't really usual since you never really leave the house, but if you can, then he'll try to spend time with you in the woods. It's quiet, it's peaceful, and it's dark
-And if you prefer to stay at home, or can't leave, he'll turn on a movie or something.
-You shouldn't be bothered by his cannibalistic tendencies, you can't really smell the rotting meat in the house, your dead anyway. You can't eat anymore either so it really doesn't matter.
-He loves feeling the cold presence of you on his back while he's sleeping, it lets him know that your there. You probably don't sleep, as a ghost, but you don't mind holding him all night.
-He loves the fact that he doesn't have to be so protective over you. Your dead, so no harm could possibly ever happen to you.
-He loves to hear about your life when you were alive, it gives him inspiration and lets him learn more about you
-He thinks it would be cool to get a dog, they can sense ghosts so he could train it to tell him where you were if he needed to find you, since he can't actually see you all the time.
-He cooks you food even though he knows you can't eat it, he just wants to do something nice for you
-He even buys you clothes as well
-Overall he takes comfort in the fact that he doesn't have to worry about your needs that much, he loves having a ghost s/o

Hope you liked!!

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