Hatzgang General HCs

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Not dating headcanons just random ones. I got bored plus I need to post something, so enjoy some hatzgang content :))

-13 y/o
-listens to cavetown and stuff like that but doesn't want people thinking he's 'soft'
-also listens to heavy metal bands like metallica (roy ily now)
-acts tough but actually a lil sensitive
-likes hanging out at the playground, woods, or arcade
-definitely kicks children (rereading this makes me laugh every time 💀)
-probably likes fast food and stuff over what his parents force him to eat
-almost never cries in front of anyone
-acts tough but probably can't fight for shit
-i would've headcanoned them a zodiac but idk shit about zodiac signs
-doesn't like affection with anyone else but an s/o
-brags about literally anything
-will get mad if you seem uninterested in what he's saying
-acts like he does not care about anyone
-always causes trouble at school, like stealing lunch money and all that cheesy stereotypical school bully shit-likes playing arcade games
-short king
-allergic to peanuts

-14 y/o
-momma's boy
-pretty good at art/writing, he has a lot of hobbies
-actually likes playing on the swings a lot (same ross, same)
-not into bullying other kids like roy. just watches and sometimes laughs at his antics
-chill asf
-you could talk to him about anything
-will listen to whatever you have to say
-perfect for venting to
-listens to music similar to roy
-not a picky eater at all
-eats whatever
-not as cuddly as robert but will give a hug
-loves dark rainy nights
-boys smart as hell but also dumb
-like, he's good at school, but doesn't understand some other things
-not too fond of video games, he tries to focus on school instead

-14 y/o
-definitely skateboards
-warm n cuddly
-so open and social
-also allergic to peanuts
-hates the rain but loves swimming
-loves video games too
-probably wouldn't be good at art like ross but will try to practice with him
-gets help with homework from ross
-good at sports
-probably likes basketball and soccer
-runs fast asf
-also likes superheroes and that stuff
-such a kind soul, like, will go out buying ice cream but see a homeless person and give them his ice cream money
-so wholesome bro
-playfights with his siblings all the time
-not as good with understanding as ross but will always lend an ear if you need it
-tucks the homies in, reads them a bedtime story, and kisses them goodnight
-also probably texts 'ily' before he leaves, i mean i do so *shrug*

lmk if you guys want romantic poly hcs, but i'd prefer if minors request that instead tbh (edit: already done :D)

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