Bob Velseb x Obsessed Reader

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fatdemonlover asked:

obsessed reader!! when reader is confronted about it they get all shy and scared, worried that bob will break up with them :( but really he's into that, reader is shocked and happy about at the same time! (it's good to take breaks as well!! don't push yourself <3)

YESS!!!! i was about to make this a stalker reader but honestly i feel like that would've been too over the top so i just kept it as a reader who just can't get enough of him. if you'd like me to do a stalker reader though, lmk when requests are open and i can write a lil fic!

btw i didnt make the reader too obsessed otherwise it might've been yandere, but again, if you guys want that please request it when requests are open because i LOVE that idea.

Content: reader might be a lil too obsessed, gn reader

-not much has changed since you guys got in a relationship, when you two were just friends you were really touchy and wouldn't leave him alone but now it's like that but 10x stronger
-you absolutely cannot leave him alone. you even wait outside his door when he's showering
-and your always touching him in some way.
-your too shy to show all your love for him, really you want to praise him all the time but your too scared he'll think your weird and want to leave you
-you only let a little bit of your love seep through, and thought it may already seem like much, you want to express so much more to him
-he find it cute though and encourages it, causing you to come out of your shell a lil more
-your kinda shocked he likes it but you don't wanna scare him off, so you only show your love a little bit more.
-you always steal clothes from him.
-honestly when you first hung out and he left you just became sad. you realized you needed him from then on, and never wanted to leave his side. so whenever he leaves the room, you almost start to cry
-every passing second, every day, everytime you see him... you just get a tiny bit more obsessive. it might grow into a problem soon.

should i do a part two of where the reader's obsession slowly grows more and more until they're full on yandere??? i absolutely love that idea, and like i said, when requests are back open someone should request it!

Edit: It's been ages since I wrote this one but I would change some stuff about it, kinda ashamed of it cause its more of a yandere reader :/-

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