Hatzgang and Robert's Older Brother

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Anonymous asked:

Hatzgang x robert older brother[platonic ofc]

Like sometimes he just likes to hang out with hatzgang to make sure they stay out of trouble or has to baby sit, hes quite and such but is super sweet and caring like robert, and the boys like him cuz he crafts and draws a lot of cool things when the gang is doing their own thing

Sorry if this a lot!

Don't worry, it's not a lot!

-Robert likes hanging out with you a lot, your chill and let them do their thing. Plus you don't bother them a lot, your only there to hang out with them and make sure they don't do anything stupid
-Roy doesn't mind, as long as you let him continue with his shenanigans
-Ross likes talking to you and asking your opinion on some things, he also likes seeing what you drew after your done
-Robert will sometimes randomly hug you. And he always greets you with a hug when he sees you, no matter where you are
-He's cuddly and affectionate with literally anyone
-When your all done hanging out, they like to see what you made before everyone parts
-Ross and Robert will make nice comments on whatever you made while Roy will just be like "Yeah, whatever, it's cool." He really likes it deep down but just doesn't wanna show it
-Honestly all you really do is follow them around and watch over them. Roy doesn't like being babied but since your not bothering him a lot, he lets you stay. He kind of enjoys your company.
-Ross is kind of like Roy, since you don't bother them a lot, he lets you stay.
-Robert is the closest to you since you two are brothers, he likes to check on you once in awhile whether your hanging out with him or not
-Overall they don't mind you being around. They are chill with it, and they also like seeing what you did before they leave

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