Kevin x Transmasc Reader

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Anonymous asked:

Hhiii can i req a kevin x transmasc reader.........angst n fluff or just angst maybe


i'm not really sure the difference between transmasc/transfem and just trans, i don't even think there is a difference, so i'll just go with it..
here are some fluffy headcanons! however if you wanted a drabble im happy to do that too, just request it when requests are open :))

-honestly it doesn't make much difference to him if your trans, non-binary, cis, etc, he's canonically pan so he doesn't care
-however if your ever insecure about your body image, your voice, or literally anything, he's always there
-he's not the best at comforting but he cares about you a lot, so if you need someone to listen he's always going to try for you
-if someone ever says something transphobic he will fight them for you. he's probably weak in a fight but he doesn't care, he's gonna put that mf in their place
-he will never do something you don't want him to do though, he wants you as comfortable as possible

sorry this was short, i don't think it would make much of a difference in your relationship, he loves u no matter what <3

edit: yeahh rereading the ask i do realize i kinda got it a bit wrong since roy anon asked for angst.. sorry :(

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