Bob Velseb x Shy Reader

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chunkychip asked:

Hi hi how are you :}. I hope this isn't alot much to ask for but can u do a bob x a y/n whom is very shy and awkward around him

sure sure! here are short headcanons :] reader is gn for this!
i uhh made the reader like shy just when they're around him, sorry if this is a little half-assed aaaaa

-now when you two get into a relationship he lets you take your time
-he treats you as if he'd treat anyone else. but he does try to help you open up a little bit
-he tries not to cross any boundaries, he doesn't wanna take advantage of your shyness because your one of the only people he actually likes
-he thinks it's cute when you act shy around him, it makes him feel special, like you only act a certain way around this specific person (and that specific person is ofc, him)

omg i'm so sorry if these are bad :sob: i didn't really know how to do this but i really hope you at least find these headcanons ok! thanks for requesting!!

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