Bob Velseb x Singer/Dancer Reader

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fatdemonlover asked:

bob x singer & dancer reader!! reader's personality is very reserved and their very timid but singing brings out the real them. as cheesy as it sounds it the only way i could explain it! 😅 take your time :)

Ofc!! My aunt is a singer so I tried to relate it to that, like helping with merch and tours etc.

Content: Can be seen as before or after he went cannibalistic, gn reader, reader is implied to be a little bit shy, long headcanons, NOT proofread

-The first time he met you was when you were on stage
-He was enthralled by your performance, simply not being able to take his eyes off of you
-Watching your every move and listening to every word you said, though he wasn't actually focusing on what you were saying, he was just focused on you solely.
-But the way you moved so gracefully, your voice resounded perfectly, everything you did held his eyes captive.
-He decided to stick around and watch until you got off stage. He just had to speak to you, he needed to see you again.
-So after you got off stage, he looked for you until he found you.
-And when he did, he approached you, praising your performance, commenting on your moves and singing, telling you his name.
-You were flattered, and said a simple "Thank you" in response.
-He had to be honest, you weren't as open as he thought you would be on stage, you were much more quiet than he had imagined.
-But yet that didn't change anything, he was in love with your performances.
-He proceeded to ask you your name, where you were performing next, etc.
-Giving him that information, he promised to be at your next show.
-And he kept his promise just like he said he would.
-At your next show, you noticed him in the crowd, smiling as he admired every bit of you.
-You gave him a quick smile back, which caused to make him blush, but you didn't see.
-And again, after your performance, he approached you."Hey, remember me from last time? It's Bob. Great performance up there!"
-You were flattered, again, and thanked him.
-He asked you about your performances, and you handed him a list of where you were gonna be performing for the next few weeks.
-He thanked you, said goodbye, and moved on.
-The next few weeks he was at your every performance, staying until you left, and constantly helping you with anything.
-Over time you two started to grow closer, from just a fan to close friends.
-You started to open up more, and be more outgoing towards him, but it was like you were a whole different person on and off stage!
-One day after one of your performance, you gave him your number to contact you if he needed to know when you were going to be performing again or if you needed a friend to pick you up.
-Bob used your number to text you and check on you regularly more than helping you out, but yet, you didn't mind at all.
-Every time you're on stage, you tend to look for bob in the crowd. And when you see him, he's always looking at you. His eyes are almost never anywhere else except you. Plus he's always smiling.
-You don't really think much of it at the start, you just think he's a really big fan. But to him it's more than just that.
-He's falling in love with you, and at first he also just thinks he really likes your talent.
-The way your moves are executed so elegantly, your voice takes him to another place, and everything you do, it just takes him to another place far far away. He's completely dumbfounded and his eyes are stuck on you almost all the time. Even when your not performing, he's still look at you only.
-Usually after you get off stage you two go to get a drink or a meal, and you two get closer every time.
-To you, Bob was so nice, his touch so warm, and it was almost like you wanted to be around him all the time.
-He was your biggest fan! He came to every single one of your performances, helping you with setting up your merch stands, etc.
-You wouldn't mind being around him more.
-Right after one of your performances, you ran off the stage into his wide open arms and into a tight embrace.
-He congratulated and praised you on your performance, telling you how great you were.
-And you looked at him, into his eyes, while he looked into yours. Having a soft moment together, he leaned in and so did you.(that was really corny 😭)After that, you two started dating.
-He loves taking you to restaurants and fancy places, but if you prefer being somewhere else where you don't have to talk to many people he'll take you to a nice spot in the forest where you two can picnic. <3He likes to blow kisses at you while your on stage just to fluster you. He loves seeing you flustered.
-Always suggests things you can do to improve your performance.
-He wants to go on stage with you, but is too shy to.
-He likes to watch you practice, and sometimes even joins you. He's not that bad, surprisingly!
-I'm just imagining him dancing with you... shdhbfjd
-Overall super supportive 14/10 would recommend 😎


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