Bob Velseb x Serial Killer Reader

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No one else did it, so I had to :)

I will make a fic on this eventually! For now these are just headcanons. The reader was intended to be male, but they can be seen as gn for this.

Content: Reader is kinda tall (as tall as bob), death and blood, reader is implied to have a mask

-You two met by coincidence.
-Or was it just fate? It didn't matter.
-You were targeting this person for stealing from you. You tracked them down, and now you were on the hunt.
-They'd been dodging you, but you weren't gonna let them get away. You never did.
-You finally had them cornered against a locked door in an abandoned house. With them quivering at your feet, tears pouring from their eyes, and then silently begging for their life, you smiled under your mask, about to finally take the kill.
-Until a knife penetrated through the door behind them and through their chest.
-Your smile immediately fell, you were supposed to take the kill.
-Your victim fell to their knees, grasped their chest as blood poured out, and the door behind them swung open.
-A tall man, dressed in red with a now bloodied knife stood in your way. The victim was forgotten about as they slowly bled to death on the floor, gasping for air.
-You stood eye to eye with the tall red man, staring him down, inspecting his features. His smile never seemed to drop.
-He suddenly held his hand out, as in a handshake, so you hesitantly took his hand.
-"You the new serial killer 'round town?" He asked in his deep voice. You nodded slowly, still not breaking eye contact with him.
-And that's how you two met. Afterwards, you two decided to run around town slaughtering unfortunate souls, all while laughing along the way and bonding.
-When it was time for you to part, he gave you his number and address. "Call me anytime you wanna have some fun." (Ayo? 🤨)
-And so, you did. The next day, you decided to call him up and see what he was up to, if he wanted to hang out and get to know you better.
-You would call it a friendship, a rather twisted one. You two liked to pass time by going around town killing folks maniacally. When you two met, the amount of killings in the area rose up by a lot, so the cops were on the lookout for you two. However, you two were extra careful at best, and had a few hideouts if you needed it. Plus some dumbass kids dressing up as you two for Halloween, so it was perfect.
-Sometimes you two liked to switch halloween costumes, just for fun. You'd get to try on his red mask and horns and huge smile, while he tried your costume respectively.
-If you shared his cannibalistic tastes, he'd be ecstatic to say the least. He will always invite you over for dinner after that, but if you don't, he'll still try to get you to eat something. He will even coax you into it, like replacing some regular food with human meat and then laugh at you when you finally realize what's in your mouth.
-You two like to greet each other by sneaking up on them, and then grabbing the other by the neck, with a weapon held up against their throat. "Guess who?" You'd say, and then reveal yourself. It was a little something you two could laugh about, like a prank war.
-You two would happen to grow closer, hanging out more in and outside of killing. You could say, you were growing a thing for the man, since he was one of your only friends since forever. You were only seen as demented and twisted, so to have someone who did the same twisted things you did, it gave you comfort.
-You would stay with him more, asking to stay the night just so you could be closer to him. He always accepted with no hesitation, unbeknownst to you developing the same feelings.
-You two would grow more into a thing, holding hands and becoming more touchy. None of you seemed to mind, so you finally decided to tell him what you were feeling.
-After you spit out the words, his smile dropped, staring at you. It was a rare sight for him, and a rare sight for you to be flustered too. You were usually a nonchalant killer, but here you were a blushing mess, avoiding eye contact.
-Bob smiled and pulled you in for an embrace. You were confused at first, not sure if it was a hug to say "I'm sorry, I don't feel the same" or "I love you too." Then he suddenly said "Of course I feel the same, y/n." He pecked a kiss onto your forehead.
-That's when you two were an official couple, the one running around town killing all those innocent folk. You two were a power couple to say the least, your hobbies bringing you together.
-He likes bringing you on every murder session now, with you by his side, he's always more comfortable.
-He also loves to see you covered in blood. It just stirs something in him.
-He likes surprising you same as before to see how you react. You usually don't since you know it's him.
-Your guys are such a power couple, known as the notorious serial killers running around town. No one is safe.

I'm so obsessed with this idea! I wanted to write it for awhile, so I did! If you want, when requests are open, someone can request a little fic of this. I'll be glad to make it!

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