Dexter Erotoph Headcanons pt.2

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fnafl0ver asked:

Can u do more Dexter x reader dating hcs plz? i rally like ur hcs and i think its cute!

Aww, tysm!! I'm so glad you like them! Of course I will write more!
Warning: just some swears (i feel i have a little addiction or sumn sorry)

Proofread :D

-fucking baby
-will cry if you leave him for 20 minutes
-and when you come back from going to the corner store or sumn without telling him you'll find the house torn apart and him crying while running around the neighbourhood lmao, he's knocking on doors and showing people photos of you even if its 2am
-once he finds you he's gonna give you a big hug and a buncha kisses but in a few minutes he'll calm down
-overdramatic about things and it shows
-like if he accidentally elbows you he'll be kissing the spot he elbowed you in and crying and apologizing profusely
-meanwhile you looking at him wide-eyed "i didn't even feel anything"
-he just loves you a lot and wants to show it
-babygirl asf
-if you spoil him he will just. he will just be in awe that you love him this much
-tries to spoil you too
-if you fall asleep with him you'll probably wake up to him with his entire body over you
-or his whole arm over you
-y'all never wake up in the same position
-one time he went to bed cuddling you, woke up on the floor upside down
-you probably need to strap him to the bed to make sure he doesn't fall off ☠️
-super energetic but falls asleep in like 2 seconds
-he praises you on any and everything you do
-you could be reading a book and he would be staring at you in awe the whole time
-if you think his behaviour is creepy tell him, he's too infatuated with you to notice
-if you tell him then he'll try to tone it down a little but not by a lot bcs he just can't help it <33
-he remembers EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU. if you say you really want this video game that comes out in 3 years he'll remember and he will buy it for you when it comes out
-your birthday is like the coming of christ for him lol
-as if he doesn't treat you special every single day, but he'll just buy you more things
-makes you breakfast n everything everyday
-he is literally your housewife. does all the chores n shit
-yk that one tiktok audio where it goes like "i wanna be saved"? yeah thats him. hes the girl thats saying that
-another one is where it's like "what's your favourite colour nick?" i feel like that'd be him too lol
-speaking of which he does probably need to be saved if someone gets pissed off at him. he cannot fight he is too delicate
-his punches feel like tissue paper so you'll need to tell whoever's yelling at him to fuck right off or else he'll get his ass beat
-even if he does get his ass beat he'll be fine after, like he'll run up to you with a thumbs up and everything with bruises all over him
-he is just an absolute SIMP.

i love him hes so babygirl i wanna spoil him and call him my princess like literally i would cherish him and sacrifice my entire being for him

maybe i should make even more??? eh i will if i get more ideas for headcanons but for now this is it :] hope u like!!

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