Poly Hatzgang x Reader General HCs

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Anonymous asked:

Heyo, could i have some poly hcs for the hatzgang? Dw im a minor thats ross and roberts age

totally anon!! been waiting for this request honestly <3

Content: gn reader, might be a lil long but i can't add a cut or anything rn (mobile)
forgor where i got this art from but credit is written on there.
(yea i'm trying to put art on my fics now 💀)

-You're a transfer student to their school.
-Your first day, this kid randomly seems to be walking up to you with a grin on his face.
-He seemed pretty short, brown curly hair, and striped yellow and orange shirt plus a hat.
-Two other dudes were following him around, which you assumed were his friends.
-As he approached you, you tried greeting him, but he only seemed sarcastic during your conversation.
-Then he decided to start making fun of you, trying to embarrass you and get under your skin.
-You were just sitting there letting him spit insults at you, until one of the other kids following him around pushed Roy softly to the side and put a hand on your shoulder, telling you he could show you around.
-He was tall with blonde curly hair, also with a hat on, and the other had a dark aesthetic to him, with a beanie on.
-The tall one introduced himself as Robert, the other as Ross, and then Roy.
-Ross waved and smiled softly, following you and Robert around while Roy stared in frustration.
-Robert seemed nice - he showed you around and told you all the teacher's names.
-At lunch, he sat next to you along with Ross.
-You noticed their friend Roy getting annoyed, so you told them they didn't have to hang out with you.
-They of course still stayed with you, talking with you and keeping you company.
-A few weeks at the school and Robert and Ross were your friends. Roy was just warming up to you, but you knew he was a good kid inside.
-Later on, of course, they all catch feelings for you, and ask you to join their relationship.
-Now, on with hcs:
-You better like metal.
-I'm probably just adding this because I absolutely love metal (especially Metallica) but Ross really loves metal, and would probably hang out with the gang listening to Korn or something.
-Roy tries to look neutral about it, but really he does like it.
-Robert likes it too, as long as everyone's happy he's happy.
-You all literally see each other almost every day. There's no day you don't ever see them.
-Robert's a big cuddler, so sometimes you will all just lay in a cuddle pile, basking in each other's warmth as a song plays in the background, you all pretty much asleep.
-You all love to play video games together too, so if you have a game console or something they all like to take turns playing different games and such.
-Robert, Ross, and Roy are the most to least tolerant of PDA. Roy sees it as a weakness and likes to keep stuff private, while Ross just likes to keep things behind closed doors too. Robert isn't overly affectionate but a quick hug is always nice.
-Not much changes since you all got into a relationship except you guys are just more touchy and lovey.
-Roy secretly loves it when you're affectionate with him. He loves your cuddles and praise, but of course, Roy is Roy so he'll almost never show it. Especially around others.
-Roy's love language is acts of service, he likes doing subtle things for you when you do something for him. Helped him beat a game? He'll leave a small piece of chocolate in your bedroom.
-Ross' is words of affirmation. He likes to hear nice things from you, even if it's just "Thank you."
-Robert's is definitely physical affection. Like I said, big cuddler. Just give him one kiss on the cheek a day, please.
-Like I said, Roy secretly loves those affectionate moments. He gets super flustered during them, though.
-Just please don't do it in public. It ruins his ego.
-Ross just loves silent moments between you. Late night walks where you hold hands, walking in the moonlight, are the best.
-Ross is definitely actually a night owl. Probably stays up really late on the weekends.
-He's almost never bothered by anything. He never gets annoyed and he's super chill.
-Robert's more jumpy, but in a good way, like more excitable and all. He could probably go on hours rambling about anything.
-He loves long hugs. Doesn't really get embarrassed that easily either.
-Robert loves letting you borrow his shirts and stuff, he loves how they smell like you when they come back.
-If you have a pet, they'll be all over it. Of course they'll give it space if needed but they all definitely love animals.
-I feel like Roy and Robert would be dog people. Ross just gives me black cat vibes.
-Sleepovers all the time. Even on school days. You all go to the same school so whatever.
-Ross probably tries putting makeup on you for fun.
-Roy is super stubborn and won't ask for help when needed, so you'll probably have to give him help even when he says he doesn't need it. Example : trying to beat a video game. He'll thank you later, in his own way.
-You all either go out to get fast food, watch Roy bully little kids, or chill st each other's houses as dates together.
-Your not really open about your relationship, I'd imagine. You don't tell everyone but people that you trust would know.
-But yeah, all loving boyfriends! Roy's secretly soft, Ross is quiet and a lil shy, and Robert is a sweetheart <3

Maybe I'll make more if I'll feel up to it! Maybe I didn't have much ideas rn but I wanted to get this done. Love them sm bro ❤️

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